[Kanji] mammals T-Shirts

A general term for vertebrates of the mammal class. It has hair on the skin, sweat glands, mammary glands, etc., and raises the baby with milk. Breathing lungs, a homeothermic animal with birds, the heart is completely divided into four parts, two atria and two ventricles. Japanese says “Ho-Nyu-Rui”. [Kanji] mammals T-Shirts

[Kanji] mammals T-Shirt

[Kanji] mammals T-Shirt One of the most evolved vertebrates. The name of feeding comes from the fact that females secrete milk from the mammary glands and thereby raise their offspring. The skin is covered with hair, as it is commonly referred to as a beast (meaning a beast or a hairy person). Japanese says … Read More


warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female. Japanese says “Ho Nyu Rui”. > mammals Kanji Stocks 漢字 哺乳類 ほにゅうるい