[Kanji] brave warrior T-Shirt

Japanese says “Yu-Sya”. In some cases, they praise only for their spiritual admiration, such as ‘brave’ and ‘brave’, and the simple powers of ‘braveness’. [Kanji] brave warrior T-Shirts

[Kanji] brave warrior Hoodie

[Kanji] brave warrior Toddler Hoodie Japanese says “Yu-Sya”. In some cases, they praise only for their spiritual admiration, such as ‘brave’ and ‘brave’, and the simple powers of ‘braveness’.

brave warrior

Japanese says “Yu-Sya”. A word that points to a brave and courageous person. Many games appear as occupations. Leading people to solve problems in anime and video games. > someone who games, battles Stock 勇者 ゆうしゃ 漢字