[Kanji] primates T-Shirt

Includes monkeys and humans. The limbs have five fingers and flat claws (fluttering), and the first finger faces the other fingers and can grip objects. In many cases, the eyes are directed forward and binocular vision is possible. Color vision is developed and intelligence is high. Japanese says “Rei-Cho-Rui”. [Kanji] primates T-Shirt

[Kanji] primates Hoodie

[Kanji] primates Hoodie Includes monkeys and humans. The limbs have five fingers and flat claws (fluttering), and the first finger faces the other fingers and can grip objects. In many cases, the eyes are directed forward and binocular vision is possible. Color vision is developed and intelligence is high. Japanese says “Rei-Cho-Rui”.


It includes the most evolved humans and apes in the animal kingdom, but also primitive primitive apes, which in itself is one of the major characteristics of primates. Japanese calls Rei-Cho-Rui. > mammals kanji stocks 漢字 霊長類 れいちょうるい