[Kanji] Kato Hoodie

Kato is the 10th most common Japanese surname. Its roots are in Kaga, the current Ishikawa prefecture. Kato is abbreviated because it is Mr. Fujiwara of Kaga Province. Later, the Kato clan turned to Ise and became the ancestor of Mr. Ise Kato, so it spread to the Tokai region. [Kanji] Kato Hoodie

[Kanji] Kato T-Shirt

[Kanji] Kato T-Shirt Kato is the 10th most common Japanese surname. Its roots are in Kaga, the current Ishikawa prefecture. Kato is abbreviated because it is Mr. Fujiwara of Kaga Province. Later, the Kato clan turned to Ise and became the ancestor of Mr. Ise Kato, so it spread to the Tokai region.


The surname Kato is said to have been derived from “Mr. Fujiwara,” who once held great power. Mr. Fujiwara, who had strong power, is said to have become more and more inconvenient as the number of people (descendants and relatives) who give their surnames increased, and new surnames with the letters “Fuji” were derived … Read More