
Suzuki is the 8th most common Japanese surname. Rice cultivation was introduced to Japan during the Yayoi period. After that, if rice cultivation developed and the number of rice fields increased, the number of villages increased in various places, and the central village was Nakamura. Then, depending on the direction of the newly created … Read More

[Kanji] Nakamura T-Shirt

Nakamura is the 8th most common Japanese surname. If rice cultivation develops and rice fields increase, villages will increase in various places, and the central village will be Nakamura. Then, depending on the direction of the newly created village, place names such as Higashimura, Nishimura, Ichimura, Kitamura, Uemura, and Shimomura were created, and along … Read More

[Kanji] Nakamura Hoodie

[Kanji] Nakamura Hoodie Nakamura is the 8th most common Japanese surname. If rice cultivation develops and rice fields increase, villages will increase in various places, and the central village will be Nakamura. Then, depending on the direction of the newly created village, place names such as Higashimura, Nishimura, Ichimura, Kitamura, Uemura, and Shimomura were … Read More