
Shimizu is the 20th most common Japanese surname. Shimizu means “the place where Shimizu springs”. Inoue is an artificial water source, while Shimizu is a natural water source. Therefore, it is thought that there are many place names in the mountains and near the mountains. > Japanese names in Kanji Ranked by surname (family … Read More

[Kanji] Shimizu long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] Shimizu long sleeves T-Shirt Shimizu is the 20th most common Japanese surname. Shimizu means “the place where Shimizu springs”. Inoue is an artificial water source, while Shimizu is a natural water source. Therefore, it is thought that there are many place names in the mountains and near the mountains.

[Kanji] Shimizu T-Shirt

Shimizu is the 20th most common Japanese surname. Shimizu means “the place where Shimizu springs”. Inoue is an artificial water source, while Shimizu is a natural water source. Therefore, it is thought that there are many place names in the mountains and near the mountains. [Kanji] Shimizu T-Shirt