
Yamamoto is the 7th most common Japanese surname. It refers to the “foot of the mountain” and is named as a place name in such a place. And the house that settled in the Yamamoto place name gave the surname Yamamoto. 4th place Representative of place name surname along with Tanaka surname. > Japanese … Read More

[Kanji] Yamamoto Hoodie

Yamamoto is the 7th most common Japanese surname. It refers to the “foot of the mountain” and is named as a place name in such a place. And the house that settled in the Yamamoto place name gave the surname Yamamoto. [Kanji] Yamamoto Hoodie

[Kanji] Yamamoto T-Shirt

[Kanji] Yamamoto T-Shirt Yamamoto is the 7th most common Japanese surname. It refers to the “foot of the mountain” and is named as a place name in such a place. And the house that settled in the Yamamoto place name gave the surname Yamamoto.