negative example

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A sample of the bad side, a person or case that tells you that it shouldn’t happen when you look at it. People and cases that can be a source of reflection by seeing it. Japanese calls Han-Men-Kyou-Shi. > profound knowledge for life stocks 漢字 反面教師 はんめんきょうし

Carrying knowledge into new fields

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developing new ideas based on study of the past, learning from the past. Study the old things and discover new knowledge and reason from them. Japanese calls On-Ko-Chi-Shin. > profound knowledge stocks おんこちしん 漢字 四字熟語 温故知新

survival of the fittest

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A weak one is a sacrifice of a strong one. The one with strong power wins and prospers. Japanese says “Jaku Niku Kyo Shoku”. > profound knowledge for life stocks じゃくにくきょうしょく 漢字 四字熟語