Inspiration and expiration in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

The beginning and end of things. alpha and omega. A to Z. Japanese says “A un”. The first letter of Japanese Hiragana A (あ) and last Nn (ん) to Kanji. It is an old word.

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Samurai in katakana wrote by vertically - Zangyo-Ninja

Samurai in Japanese Katakana. The verb “Saburafu”, which means to refrain from your aides, was turned into a noun, and was also called “Saburai”. The word “Samurai” can be seen in “Nihon Shoki”, but in the Heian period, there were samurai and samurai chiefs who served the Empress and Chugū, and the prince and … Read More

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samurai spirit in Kanji wrote by horizontally - Zangyo-Ninja

It is a self-sacrificed spirit based on extremely pure thoughts that combines nobleness and pride, a strong will not yield to anyone, and a mind that does not fall apart. Japan call “Samurai damashii”.

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Samurai spirit Bushido in Kanji wrote by horizontally - Zangyo-Ninja

As the word Edo period identity system agro-industry trader, samurai stands above the world, holds the virtue of Confucianism, acts as a saint, and should be encouraged by martial arts. It seems that it was considered as virtue not to be caught by life such as food, food and housing, to think of the … Read More

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Samurai spirit Bushido in Kanji wrote by vertically - Zangyo-Ninja

Japanese says “Bu shi do”. As the word Edo period identity system agro-industry trader, samurai stands above the world, holds the virtue of Confucianism, acts as a saint, and should be encouraged by martial arts. It seems that it was considered as virtue not to be caught by life such as food, food and … Read More

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Samurai spirit in Kanji wrote by vertically - Zangyo-Ninja

It is a self-sacrificed spirit based on extremely pure thoughts that combines nobleness and pride, a strong will not yield to anyone, and a mind that does not fall apart. Japanese says “Samurai damashii”.

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Sushi one character in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Fish seasoned with vinegar and salt mixed with fish meat and vegetables. Also, vinegared rice is served with fish and shellfish meat and other ingredients. There are many varieties.

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Miso Soy paste in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. One of the Japanese style seasonings. Steamed soybeans, fermented by adding salt and koji. 2. Something similar to miso in color and condition in the shells of crabs and shrimps. 3. Proud advantages. A point where the ideas and ideas were broken.

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Kamikaze in Kanji wrote by vertically - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Wind that blows down with the power of God. A storm that overturned a former ship at the time of Genko. 2. Special attack party. An attack corps formed by the Great Japanese Imperial Navy in World War II, consisting of an attack corps and a team directly responsible for asylum and confirmation … Read More

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lagniappe in Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Make it discount for customers and get things done. Also, its goods. 2. Menstruation (お is prefix and Language of princes in Japan at long ago) Japan call “O ma ke” in Japanese Hiragana.

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Sumo in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A wrestling in which two players try on the ground and win the opponent if they defeat or move out of the ground. Japan has always been held in Japan and is considered a national sport. Or Sumo wrestler’s abbreviation.

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Kimono in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

As clothes worn by people, it may be used in the same sense as clothes, but it is often referred to as Japanese clothing. It often refers to so-called long clothes. This is a one-piece style that is held in place with a band in front, regardless of the fabric, pattern, or dyeing, and … Read More

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Peace all of the World in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

The world is peaceful and well-controlled. Being carefree without any worries. It is an old four-character idiom. Japan call “Ten ka tai hei”.

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Harakiri in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Use your own sword to cut your stomach and die. 2. One of the punishments imposed on samurai during the Edo period. The lightest of the death penalty. In front of the autopsy, a kaishakunin shot down his neck from behind as he cut his belly. Japan calls Seppuku, hara-kiri, harikari. It is … Read More

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Sakuranezumi color in Kanji (cherry blossom and mouse) - Zangyo-Ninja

a name of color. Sakura Nezumi is a light cherry blossom which slightly dusters slightly dull pale crimson gray or thin black. The so-called Sakura (Sumizome) cherry. The color that the mouse adheres to the color name can be seen from around the early Edo period, but it seems that Sakura-Nezumi began to be … Read More

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edo in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. old name of Tokyo. the capital and largest city of Japan. 2. One of asteroids in the asteroid belt. 9782 Edo.

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sushi in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

anything made with vinegared rice that also contain vegetables, spices, fish, or other delicacies.There are different kinds of “Sushi” and depending ON the locality. The most common is “Nigiri zushi” and originally produced in the Tokyo districet. Nigirizushi consists of small oval-shaped balls of rice seasoned with vinegar and sugar and topped with a … Read More

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Ninjutsu wrote vertically in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

There are two types of ninjutsu, “Innin” and “Yonin”. the skills of stealth and secrecy practiced by the ninja. Ninjutsu includes various martial arts such as swordplay and Jujutsu but equipment (weapons) specific to Ninjutsu is referred to as Ningu or Ninki.

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Ninjutsu wrote horizontally in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

the skills of stealth and secrecy practiced by the ninja. Ninjutsu includes various martial arts such as swordplay and Jujutsu but equipment (weapons) specific to Ninjutsu is referred to as Ningu or Ninki. There are two types of ninjutsu, “Innin” and “Yonin”.

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harakiri in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Ritual suicide by self-disembowelment on a sword. A form of ritual suicide by disembowelment using a blade, practiced by Japanese samurai, especially to rid oneself of shame, as a means of protest or, formerly, as a method of capital punishment. Japanese says Seppuku.

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rush of business in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

thriving prosperous business. This Kanji that can fulfill your wish is written in four letter idioms. It’s from long ago. Japanese says Sho-bai-han-jo.

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oiran in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money. A high-class prostitute. The oiran-class courtesans were considered to be superior to their customers.

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