[Kanji] constant travelling as white letters Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Japanese calls Nan-Sen-Hoku-Ba. being on the move, restless wandering. [Kanji] constant travelling as white letters Long Sleeve T-Shirt

[Kanji] constant travelling T-Shirt

[Kanji] constant travelling T-Shirt Japanese calls Nan-Sen-Hoku-Ba. being on the move, restless wandering.

Peace all of the World

The world is peaceful and well-controlled. Being carefree without any worries. Japanese calls “Ten Ka Tai Hei”. > wellness and peaceful stocks てんかたいへい 漢字 四字熟語

bitter enemies in the same boat

People who are not close to each other are in one place or cooperate with each other with a common goal. bitter enemies in the same boat. > 4 characters idiom stock


Pure land of Amida Buddha. It is said that Amitabha will be greeted after his death in a world without suffering, which is located past 100,000 billion soils to the west. Japanese says “Goku-Raku-Jo-Do”. > other world stocks ごくらくじょうど 漢字 四字熟語

the four seasons

It means spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In turn, it may refer to a year. Since the four seasons are clear in Japan, each season has its own distinctive features and beauty. Japanese says syun-ka-syu-tou. > four character idiom stocks しゅんかしゅうとう 漢字 四季

fortune comes

fortune comes Please check it out! > example products Japanese says ki-ssyo-rai-fuku. 漢字 吉祥来福 きっしょうらいふく

overeat and overdrink

Eating and drinking unreasonably. For your health, you should refrain from overeat and overdrink. Japanese says Bo-In-Bo-Syoku. ぼういんぼうしょく 暴飲暴食 漢字 > excessive in Japanese stock

hypocritical courtesy

Superficially polite but rude in intent. Being too polite and rude. In addition, the attitude toward the other party is extremely polite on the surface, but in reality it is extremely arrogant. Japanese calls In-Gin-Bu-Rei. > four character idiom stocks as negative 慇懃無礼 いんぎんぶれい 四字熟語

negative example

A sample of the bad side, a person or case that tells you that it shouldn’t happen when you look at it. People and cases that can be a source of reflection by seeing it. Japanese calls Han-Men-Kyou-Shi. > profound knowledge for life stocks 漢字 反面教師 はんめんきょうし

being surrounded by enemies on all sides

The parable of being isolated and unable to ask for help surrounded by enemies. There are no allies around, and the surroundings are all opponents. Japanese says Shi-men-so-ka. > four character idiom for negative stock しめんそか 四字熟語 漢字

deep distress

incorrect variant of deep distress. A word that refers to a sigh or a state of sighing when you are in a difficult situation both physically and mentally. Japanese calls Ao-Iro-To-Iki. > Four-character idiom for negative stocks あおいろといき 漢字 四字熟語

mistake the means for the end

failing to properly evaluate the importance. putting the cart before the horse. mistaking the cause for the end. mistaking the insignificant for the essential. getting one’s priorities backwards. Japanese calls Hon-Matsu-Ten-To. > negative four characters idioms ほんまつてんとう 漢字 四字熟語


Please check it out! > example products A peaceful and enjoyable land governed by a royal road. Japanese calls O-Do-Raku-Do. おうどうらくど 漢字 四字熟語

amicable settlement

There should be no complaints or inadequacies, and the case should be resolved gently. It means to solve things, incidents, troubles, etc. promptly. Japanese calls En-Man-Kai-Ketsu. > wish things stock 円満解決 えんまんかいけつ 四字熟語 漢字

The Land of Happiness

any place of complete bliss and delight and peace. Japanese calls An-Raku-Jo-Do. > Heavens Stock あんらくじょうど 漢字 安楽浄土 四字熟語

being at a loss

bemoaning the frustration of reaching truth for surplus of academic paths. I chased the fleeing sheep, but there were so many roads that I lost sight of them and mourned. The parable that the truth is not easily grasped because the academic path is so wide. Also, the parable of being pondered about this … Read More

safe driving

Japanese calls An-Zen-Un-Ten. safe driving. safety operation. Please check it out! > example stuff あんぜんうんてん 漢字 安全運転 四字熟語


self-conceit. self-centeredness. vainglory. Japanese calls ”Yui Ga Doku Son”. > personality stocks ゆいがどくそん 漢字 唯我独尊

one’s word is worth 1,000 pieces of gold

a promise should be kept at all cost. Japanese calls Ichi-Daku-Sen-Kin. > about business stocks いちだくせんきん 漢字 四字熟語

one and only

Japanese calls Yui-Itsu-Mu-Hi. unique all of the World. There is only one thing in this world. There is no other similar thing, and there is nothing other than one. > 4 char idiom stocks ういいつむひ 唯一無比

be in sound good health

Japanese calls Mu-Byo-Soku-Sai. Liveable life without illness or injury. > example product むびょうそくさい 漢字 健康 無病息災

peace and prosperity in the household

Please check it out! > example products Japanese calls Ka-Nai-An-Zen. peace and prosperity in the household. safety of one’s family. かないあんぜん 漢字 四字熟語

longevity and happiness

> Stock of New Year’s greetings Japanese says “Ei ju ka fuku”. Best wishes good luck and longevity. えいじゅかふく 漢字 永寿嘉福

extremes of luxury

Japanese says “Ei-Yo-Ei-Ka”. > Stock of New Year’s greetings えいようえいか 漢字 賀詞 四字熟語


The consciousness is fading, and the work of the mind is vaguely hazy. The state before unconsciousness. It may be accompanied by abnormal behavior, and it is not possible to fully recall the period after recovery. Japan calls I-Shiki-Mou-Rou. > four character idiom stocks as negative いしきもうろう 漢字

[Kanji] Make big business T-Shirt

Japanese says “Sho-Bai-Han-Jo”. rush of business. thriving business. [Kanji] Make big business T-Shirt

each moment seeming like an eternity

As if the season had come three times a day and autumn would come, I hope to be waiting now or feel that time is long. Japanese calls Ichi-Nichi-San-Shu. > product for example いちにちさんしゅう 四字熟語 漢字

At one swoop

Catch all the fish, birds and beasts around with a single net. In turn, catching the criminals all at once. Japanese says “Ichi-mo-da-jin”. > four characters idiom stock

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