I love you by one phrase

Japanese says wa-ta-shi-wa-a-na-ta-wo-a-i-shi-te-i-ma-su. It’s a phrase that has a nuance of declaration for him (her). It’s in Japanese Kanji and Hiragana. > Love in Japanese stock 私は貴方を愛しています わたしはあなたをあいしてます love あいす 漢字


Special skills acquired through training, such as learning, martial arts, and traditional performing arts. A special move performed in public. it is old difficult Kanji. Japanese says gei. 漢字 げい 芸 藝


bowlingPlease check it out!  >example products the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc 保齢球 ボーリング 漢字


about warning It means a mental activity that pays attention to a specific matter, and the matter to which attention is directed covers a wide range of mental activities. For the immediate environment, it means heading for a specific stimulus / stimulus placement, but it may also mean heading for a specific thing that … Read More


A superlative word that expresses “strength.” It is in the strongest state by comparing and competing with others. The strongest thing. A state that is second to none. Also, when someone says “I am the strongest!”, The person is just proud of the strongest, and in reality it may not be very strong. Japanese … Read More


the general condition of body and mind. a healthy state of wellbeing free from disease. > wellness and peaceful stock Japanese says ken-ko. 漢字 健康 けんこう

Happy birthday to you

Japanese says o-ta-n-jo-bi-o-me-de-to-u. Please check it out! > Birthday celebration stock 平仮名 ひらがな happy birthday お誕生日おめでとう おたんじょうびおめでとう

merry christmas in Hiragana

> example stuff Used to express good wishes on or before Christmas Day. it is literal translation in Japanese Hiragana. メリークリスマス ひらがな 平仮名 めりいくりすます

Safety first

> safe, protected stocks Japanese calls An-zen-dai-ichi. peace and prosperity in the household. safety of one’s family. けんこうだいいち 漢字 四字熟語


Please check it out! > example products a sweet yellow liquid produced by bees.Japanese says hachi-mitsu. はちみつ ハニー 漢字


a tabular array of the days (usually for one year). A table that allows you to list the dates of the year, the festivals / events and solar terms related to that day, as well as the sunrise / sunset, the phases of the moon, and the ebb and flow of the tide (in … Read More

half the amount

one of two equal parts of a divisible whole. Japanese says han-gaku. > prices stocks 漢字 半額 はんがく

pe Angel

pe AngelPlease check it out!  > more something stuff This is a coined word.天使 is Angel. but If the first character is attached ぺ to it you can read the swindler.Japanese can says Pe-Ten-Shi.


an industrial city in southern Honshu. Please check it out! > example products ナゴヤ 漢字


A true heart without hesitation or doubt. Also, an innocent heart. Japanese says “Ma gokoro”. Buddhist language. True devotion. Japanese says “Shin shin”. > buddhism stocks 漢字 真心 まごころ

dressing gown

a robe worn before dressing or while lounging.Japanese says He-Ya-Gi. > some objects stock 漢字 部屋着 へやぎ


a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully. an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning. Japanese says kuro-to. > example stuff 漢字 玄人 くろうと

tease me in Hiragana

Things that you want to be bullied or teased for half the fun. Note. When we talk about ourselves, we may include feelings of light self-deprecation and humility, and when we talk about the other person, we may include feelings of foolishness. Japanese says i-ji-ra-re-ta-i. > stocks include Hiragana いじられたい ひらがな 平仮名


a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination. [Synonyms] Artist, musician, painter, designer, illustrator, graphic designer, manga artist. Japanese says gei-jutsu-ka. The first letter is the old letter. > Job and Professional stock 漢字 芸術家 げいじゅつか

natural monument

Japanese says ten-nen-ki-nen-butsu. > product for example 天然記念物 てんねんきねんぶつ 漢字

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