
stool,dung,dropping,droppings,feces, excrement Please check it out! > more abuse stocks a stupid foolish person. obscene terms for feces. fecal matter of animals. Japan calls Kuso, Fun, Baba. フン クソ ババ 漢字


It is a kind of garnet. Garnet has a strong impression of red gemstones, but in reality it is not a name that refers to one gemstone, but a group name of minerals that can be divided into more than 20 types. And this is a kind of calcium-based garnet. The crystals of Andradito … Read More

World Heritage Site

World heritage is an irreplaceable treasure that was created by the creation of the earth and the history of human beings and has been handed over from the past to the present. People from all over the world who live now are inherited from the past and are common legacy of mankind who has … Read More


Japanese calls Doku. any substance that causes injury or illness or death of a living organism. > a letter Kanji stocks どく 漢字


Japanese calls O-Te-Ko. A type of sulfide mineral. A mineral with a pale yellow opacity and metallic luster. > Jewel stone stocks 黄鉄鉱 おうてっこう

grossularite stone

Japanese calls Kai-Ban-Zaku-Ro-Ishi. A kind of natural ore. > gem stocks


It’s a color representing the highest and first prize. It’s money. Japanese calls Kin or Kane. > colors kanji stock きん 漢字 金


> example stuff It’s money. the most common medium of exchange. It’s cold bar. Japanese says “o gon” or “ko gane”. おうごん こがね 漢字 黄金


please check it out! > example products It feels like a luxurious flower. In rare cases it is used as a Chinese in Japan. Japanese says “Hana” “Ka”. はな 漢字

Milky way

A collection of innumerable stars that look like a band in the sunny night sky. Looking inside the galaxy from Earth, it is best seen from summer to autumn. a collection of star systems. Japanese calls Ten-Kan or Amanogawa. It’s old words and only Kanji characters. Now, It’s “天の川” include Hiragana, popularly. > universe … Read More

rare metal

A metal that has a low natural abundance on the earth, a high abundance, or a metal that is difficult to obtain as pure metal. Nickel, cobalt, chromium, manganese, titanium, etc. Japanese says “Ki sho kin zoku”. > metal stocks きしょうきんぞく レアメタル 漢字


Please check it out! >example stuff Japanese says “Takara”. It’s oldies and difficult word from china. たから 漢字


a dwarfed ornamental tree or shrub grown in a tray or shallow pot. It is characterized by imitating a natural landscape. Bonsai, which is said to be a masterpiece, is known to be 100 years old-300 years old or older. > Japanese culture stocks ボンサイ 漢字


any succulent plant of the family Cactaceae native chiefly to arid regions of the New World and usually having spines. Japanese calls Saboten. > plant and trees stock サボテン 漢字

electric shock, lightning attack

1. The impact you feel when you receive a strong electric current from your body. 2. Attack quickly, like a lightning. 3. To give an impact without front movement like lightning. static shock,electroconvulsive,lightning stroke,lightning stoke,electrical shock,electric shock,electric stunning,shock,electrocution. Japanese calls Den-geki. > weather Kanji stock 電撃 でんげき 漢字 筆文字


1. pink (any flower of genus Dianthus, esp. the fringed pink, Dianthus superbus) 2. lovable, caressable girl. >example products なでしこ 花 漢字


1. a transparent piece of diamond that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem. 2. very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem. Japanese calls Kon-Go-Seki. > example stuff こんごうせき ダイヤモンド 漢字

Mosquito coil

A spiral smoke agent that diffuses the active ingredient together with smoke into the air to exterminate mosquitoes. It is a summer tradition and a necessity for daily life. The active ingredient is pyrethrin, which is contained in pyrethrum, a plant of the Asteraceae family, and pyrethroid, which is a chemically synthesized similar ingredient. … Read More

Skull by horizontal

Please check it out! > example products the bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates Japanese calls Share-Kobe. しゃれこうべ 漢字

Short sleeve

Sleeves up to elbow length. Also, that clothing. Kimono with half-width sleeves. Japan calls Han-Sode. > fashion stocks はんぞで 漢字

percussion hammer, firing hammer

the part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulled. One of the rifle firing devices. The part that bangs the detonator to ignite the bullet propellant. Japanese calls Geki-tetsu. > include Metal stocks 撃鉄 げきてつ 漢字 筆文字


A skull that has become whitish when exposed to wind and rain. Of the human bones found in prehistoric sites, the skull and some of it are larger than the other bones, so the head or skull had a special role in human culture from early on. It is inferred. There is a theory … Read More

Gray color

Japanese says “Hai”. The powder that remains after burning various substances. Usually it combines “Iro”, and they says “Hai-Iro”. Sometimes it used this word when it’s not clear in black and white. > colors stock はい グレー 漢字

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