Nile river in Kanji [in Stock]


It is said to be the world’s longest river with a length of about 6,650 kilometers that flows north to south on the African continent. Due to its length, it passes through various countries and finally passes through Egypt before emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. The number of countries facing is a total of … Read More


completed money laundering in Kanji [in Stock]


It finished hiding the source of illegally gotten money. Japanese says Shi-kin-sen-jo-zumi.


[Kanji] Japanese food T-shirt

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[Kanji] Japanese food T-shirt A meal that combines ingredients such as fish and vegetables that have been naturally grown in Japan using traditional methods, mainly rice and soup, pickles, and side dishes. There is no clear definition of the content of the meal, and the most basic meal is called Ichiju Sansai. This is … Read More