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Black bearded person. an English pirate who operated in the Caribbean and off the Atlantic coast of North America. Japanese calls Kuro-Hige. > personality Kanji stock くろひげ 漢字


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Please check it out! > example products Japanese says Waga-Mama. concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others.


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concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities. > personality kanji stocks Japanese says ma-ji-me.漢字 真面目 まじめ


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self-conceit. self-centeredness. vainglory. Japanese calls ”Yui Ga Doku Son”. > personality stocks ゆいがどくそん 漢字 唯我独尊


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prick teaser, rantipole. a girl who behaves in a boyish manner. japanese says O-ten-ba. > one’s personality stock


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It seems that it is clearly missing. It looks like it’s not profane. Japanese says “Sho-Sya”. > personality in Kanji stocks

free and wild

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1. cheerfully irresponsible. 2. free of restraints or rules. It seems that he behaves as he wishes without following the usual rules. Japanese says “Ji-Yu-Hon-Pou”. > One’s personality in Japanese stock じゆう ほんぽう 漢字

having presence of mind

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It seems to be calm without panicking no matter what happens, without losing sight of one’s personality. Japanese calls Tai-Zen-Ji-Jaku. self-possessed, imperturbable, calm and self-possessed. > personality kanji stocks たいぜんじじゃく 漢字

unheard of

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surpassing any previously established record. Many Japanese people mistakenly think that they have a bold personality. Japanese says “Ha Ten Ko”. 破天荒 はてんこう > personality Japanese stock