[Kanji] prosperity and decline T-shirt

To prosper or decline. It shows how the rise and fall alternate and come at a dizzying pace. Japanese says “Ei Ko Sei Sui”. Note: “Eiko” originally means that vegetation grows and withers. An expression that emphasizes words with similar meanings, such as “Eiko” and “Seisui”. [Kanji] rise and fall T-Shirt

[Kanji] prosperity and decline Hoodie

[Kanji] prosperity and decline Hoodie To prosper or decline. It shows how the rise and fall alternate and come at a dizzying pace. Japanese says “Ei Ko Sei Sui”. Note: “Eiko” originally means that vegetation grows and withers. An expression that emphasizes words with similar meanings, such as “Eiko” and “Seisui”.

prosperity and decline

ups and downs of life, vicissitudes of fortune. rise and fall. To prosper or decline. It shows how the rise and fall alternate and come at a dizzying pace. Japanese calls Ei-Ko-Sei-Sui. Note: “Eiko” originally means that vegetation grows and withers. An expression that emphasizes words with similar meanings, such as “Eiko” and “Seisui”. … Read More