[Kanji] free amount Hoodie

Japanese said Muryo in Kanji, Tada in Katakana and Hiragana. All same mean for price of free and free amount. Note: The letters themselves are free, not the hoodie itself. However, you can download some Japanese letters and Japanese-style content drawn by professionals on this site for free. Please click on the related stock … Read More

[Kanji] curry as yellow letters Hoodie

It generally refers to a stewed dish prepared with spices and herbs. Originating in India, curry has spread around the world due to its flavorful taste, and many variations have been created in various regions. Examples include Japanese curry rice and Thai green curry. The IPA pronunciation of “curry” is kʌri. Japanese says Kari … Read More

[Kanji] Monkey as white letter Hoodie

An animal that is considered to be the closest to humans. An animal that is considered to be the ancestor that evolved into humans. A generic name for all mammals in the order Primates, excluding the hominids. It is divided into four major groups: primitive primates, Latin American proboscis monkeys, Asian and African proboscis … Read More

[Kanji] administrator Hoodie

[Kanji] administrator Hoodie director of store operations. business related to the management of workers. a person responsible for information control. a person in charge of information management. Japanese says kan-ri-sha.

[Kanji] Amazon as white characters Hoodie

[Kanji] Amazon Hoodie A tribe of women in Greek mythology. It is said that she was brave and had her right breast cut off because it would get in the way when drawing a bow. In turn, it is used to mean female heroine and female strongman. Amazoness. The Amazon River in South America … Read More

[Kanji] Potato Hoodie

Potato in calligraphy Kanji T-Shirt Another name for potato. Japanese says “bareisho”. Also known as “Jagaimo” in Katakana. Potatoes belong to the Solanaceae family and are native to the highlands of the Andes. It was introduced to Europe in the 16th century and has since become popular around the world. Nowadays, in Russia, Germany, … Read More

[Kanji] forever Hoodie

[Kanji] forever Hoodie Japanese says “Ei en” and “To wa”. It is a concept of something that does not change with respect to time, which is a concept for recognizing changes in things, and something that does not change with respect to time that always moves too far away. Also, time is finite, but … Read More

[Kanji] through all eternity as black characters Hoodie

[Kanji] through all eternity as black characters Hoodie Be permanent for the future. Very long years in the future. Originally a Buddhist word. It is said that the origin of Kalpa is that there is a huge rock, and a crane approaches the rock and lightly wipes it with a feather. It is said … Read More

[Kanji] senior Hoodie

[Kanji] senior Hoodie A person with higher academic, age, status, etc. In addition, people who came before at the same school and work place. Japan call Sen-Pai.

[Kanji] vegetarianism Hoodie

Eat a diet that avoids some or all of animal foods. Those who practice for health, ethics, religion, etc. are commonly referred to as vegetarians. Japanese says “Sai Syoku Shu Gi”. [Kanji] vegetarianism Hoodie

[Kanji] conquest all of the world Hoodie

To be the world leader in one genre or all. In Japanese team sports they sometimes call this words to win the best in the world. Japanese says “Se-Kai-Sei-Ha”. [Kanji] conquest all of the world Hoodie

[Kanji] World unity Hoodie

[Kanji] World unity Hoodie There are various interpretations, but the unification of the world disappears and it is elected as operation of the unified government from all over the world. Japanese says “Se-Kai-To-Itsu”. Black colors character Kanji.

[Kanji] Ramen noodles Hoodie

[Kanji] Ramen noodles Hoodie A noodle dish that mainly uses Chinese noodles and soup, and combines various ingredients (char siu, menma, seasoned eggs, chopped green onions, seaweed, etc.).

[Kanji] Heaven Hoodie

[Kanji] Heaven Hoodie It is a clean land where Buddhas and Bodhisattvas live without any troubles or injuries in Buddhism. There are various types of Pure Land, and among them, the Pure Land with Amida Nyorai. Japan calls “Goku Raku Jo Do”.

[Kanji] world domination Hoodie

By overthrowing all the nations in the world with their abilities and dismantling and annexing them, the world and all the human beings living there are placed under their own control. Japanese says “Se-Kai-Sei-Fuku”. [Kanji] world domination Hoodie

[Kanji] unanimously Hoodie

[Kanji] unanimously Hoodie Many people say the same thing all together. Many people agree. Japanese says “I-Ku-Do-On”.

[Kanji] the wise readily adapt themselves to changed circumstances Hoodie

the wise are quick to acknowledge their mistakes and correct them. the wise make no scruple in suddenly changing their demeanor. the wise readily adapt themselves to changed circumstances. Japanese says “Kun-Shi-Hyo-Hen”. [Kanji] the wise readily adapt themselves to chang Hoodie

[Kanji] prosperity and decline Hoodie

[Kanji] prosperity and decline Hoodie To prosper or decline. It shows how the rise and fall alternate and come at a dizzying pace. Japanese says “Ei Ko Sei Sui”. Note: “Eiko” originally means that vegetation grows and withers. An expression that emphasizes words with similar meanings, such as “Eiko” and “Seisui”.

[Kanji] Happiness Hoodie

1. wonderful. Admirable. 2. Congratulations. 3. compliment. Japanese says “Yoshi” “Yoi” “Yomisu”. [Kanji] Happiness Hoodie

[Kanji] Abnormal male Hoodie

A man who is different from normal conditions. A man in an abnormal or morbid state. A man who has sexual perversion and whose sexual behavior is unusual. Japanese says “Hen Tai Ya Rou”. This Japanese reading means “Let’s do something perverted!”, so be careful when handling it. [Kanji] Abnormal male (Hentai man) Hoodie

[Kanji] beach volleyball Hoodie

The rules are similar to those of indoor 6-player volleyball, but there are rules unique to beach volleyball when it comes to returning balls when changing courts or blocking. The competition is a two-person system and is held on the sand. Volleyball, which was invented in 1895, became popular as a recreational sport in … Read More

[Kanji] Iraq Hoodie

The official name is Al-Jumhūrīyah al-’Irāqīyah / Republic of Iraq. A republic in West Asia. It is a land of ancient Mesopotamia, centered on the Tigris and Euphrates river basins, and includes northern mountains and western desert areas. It is dry in the continental climate, and the summer temperature exceeds 40 ° C. Oil … Read More

[Kanji] challenger Hoodie

A person who challenges. Those who have won the qualifying round and are qualified to fight champions. Euphemism for the disabled. the contestant you hope to defeat Japanese says cyo-sen-sha. [Kanji] challenger Hoodie

[Kanji] Tofu Hoodie

[Kanji] Tofu Hoodie A soft white food made by crushing soybeans soaked in water, squeezing the boiled juice, and hardening it with bittern.

[Kanji] inhuman, heinous and atrocious Hoodie

[Kanji] inhuman, heinous and atrocious Hoodie It’s the worst, and it’s unreasonable and humane. Japan calls “Goku Aku Hi Dou”.

[Katakana] Naruto Hoodie

[Kana] Naruto Hoodie It is a town in Japan where a big whirlpool of the Inland Sea can be seen.

[Kanji] Whoops Ass Hoodie

[Kanji] Whoops Ass Hoodie A person with a rough temperament and violent behavior. A person who does rough deeds or acts. Japanese calls “Ara kure mono” in Kanji. It used to be a word for a non-social person, but now such nuances have faded and it has a strong meaning of a rough person.

[Kanji] Spider Toddler T-shirt

It has a protrusion on the back of the abdomen that puts out a thread. It is carnivorous, and some are netted and some are not. More than 30,000 species are known all over the world, and more than 1000 species are known in Japan. Japanese says “Ku-Mo”. [Kanji] Spider Hoodie

[Kanji] priority seat Hoodie

[Kanji] priority seat Hoodie priority seat for the use of the disabled, young children, the elderly, pregnant women. Japanese says yu-sen-seki.

[Kanji] Sakura Hoodie

cherry blossom tree and flower. any of numerous trees and shrubs producing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard stone. a light shade of red. HEX: #F0E0E0 R:253 G:217 B:217 C:0.0% M:6.3% Y:6.7% K:0.4% [Kanji] Sakura Hoodie

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