[Kanji] beach volleyball T-Shirt

[Kanji] beach volleyball T-Shirt The rules are similar to those of indoor 6-player volleyball, but there are rules unique to beach volleyball when it comes to returning balls when changing courts or blocking. The competition is a two-person system and is held on the sand. Volleyball, which was invented in 1895, became popular as … Read More

[Kanji] beach volleyball Hoodie

The rules are similar to those of indoor 6-player volleyball, but there are rules unique to beach volleyball when it comes to returning balls when changing courts or blocking. The competition is a two-person system and is held on the sand. Volleyball, which was invented in 1895, became popular as a recreational sport in … Read More

beach volleyball

An outdoor variant of volleyball played on sand. Volleyball on the beach. Usually two people. The rules are almost the same as a six-player volleyball, using a slightly softer ball. Japanese says sa-dan-hai-kyu. 漢字 沙灘排球 ビーチバレー