[Kanji] dragonfly T-Shirt

[Kanji] dragonfly T-Shirt The compound eyes on the head protrude greatly to the left and right, and there are three monoculars. It has a short antennae and a chewing mouth. It has two pairs of long wings on its chest. The abdomen is long and rod-shaped. Japanese says “Ton-Bo”.

[Kanji] dragonfly Hoodie

[Kanji] dragonfly Hoodie It is an incomplete metamorphosis insect that spends its time in fresh water during the larval era called yago, and becomes an adult when it emerges from the water and molts. Japanese says “Ton-Bo”.

[Kanji] Fly long sleeves T-Shirt

Chrysomya rufifacies. An insect of the order Flies. There are many types, and they carry pathogens and are hated, but in ancient Mesopotamia they are a symbol of the god of illness and death. Some gods protect humans from flies. Japanese calls “Hae”. [Kanji] Fly long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] Fly T-Shirt

[Kanji] Fly T-Shirt Chrysomya rufifacies. An insect of the order Flies. There are many types, and they carry pathogens and are hated, but in ancient Mesopotamia they are a symbol of the god of illness and death. Some gods protect humans from flies. Japanese says “Hae”.

swallowtail butterfly

the citrus swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus. The opening of the splash is 8 to 12 centimeters inside and outside. The splashes are pale yellow with black streaks and spots, the edges are black, and yellow crests are lined up. The rear spring has a thin tail-shaped protrusion. Japanese name Ageha. > flying insect Kanji … Read More


> insect Kanji stocks slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest. トンボ 漢字 蜻蛉