meat girl

It’s coined word. It’s person who likes meat, fat woman and thick woman. we can say Niku-ko. > include meat(Niku) Kanji stock 肉子 にくこ

tease me in Hiragana

Things that you want to be bullied or teased for half the fun. Note. When we talk about ourselves, we may include feelings of light self-deprecation and humility, and when we talk about the other person, we may include feelings of foolishness. Japanese says i-ji-ra-re-ta-i. > stocks include Hiragana いじられたい ひらがな 平仮名


a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination. [Synonyms] Artist, musician, painter, designer, illustrator, graphic designer, manga artist. Japanese says gei-jutsu-ka. The first letter is the old letter. > Job and Professional stock 漢字 芸術家 げいじゅつか

natural monument

Japanese says ten-nen-ki-nen-butsu. > product for example 天然記念物 てんねんきねんぶつ 漢字

this is fiction

a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact. Japanese says ko-re-wa-fi-ku-syo-n. > Hiragana Japanese stock > Katakana Japanese stock 平仮名 片仮名 これはフィクション

village mayor

Village elder and representative. Responsible for the administration of the village. Japanese says son-cyo or mura-osa. > Head and Top stocks そんちょう むらおさ


> products the state of being free of additives.Japanese says mu-ten-ka. むてんか 漢字

search results

search results The list of answers to a search request that match the search criteria specified by the user. Japanese says ken-saku-ke-kka. > object stocks 漢字 検索結果 けんさくけっか

certain alien species

It is a creature that has entered the area that originally did not live from the original habitat due to human influence. An organism that prey on native organisms or may harm the ecosystem. Japanese says toku-tei-gai-rai-syu. > alien in Japanese stock 漢字 特定外来種 とくていがいらいしゅ


A natural sweetener made by refining and crystallizing the squeezed juice of sugar cane and sugar beet. It has a strong sweetness and is easily dissolved in water. It is used in various aspects of food as a seasoning for sweets and dishes. Japanese says sa-to. > seasoning stocks Types of sugar The types … Read More

natural color

The color that things have in nature. A color, like a color of nature, in movies, photographs, etc. Also, that movie and photo. technicolor. Japanese says ten-nen-syoku. > Japanese color Stocks てんねんしょく 漢字

earthy taste

Please check it out!  > example stuff Japanese says shi-zen-na-aji. 漢字 平仮名 自然な味 しぜんなあじ


white crystalline form of especially sodium chloride used to season and preserve food. During the Warring States (Sengoku) period, Kenshin Uesugi learned that the territory of the enemy general Takeda Shingen was suffering from a shortage of salt, and sent salt. It means “to seek long-term profits and reasons rather than immediate profits and … Read More


a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft.Japanese says takumi. It means woodwork craftsman, carpenter, sturdiness, skillful person, masterpiece, ingenuity, creation, storage. > One character Kanji Stock 漢字 匠 たくみ


Beasts cry out loud. The wind and waves make a loud noise. Speak out loud. Make a loud voice to get enthusiastic. Japanese says Ho(e-ru). > animal stocks 漢字 吠 ほえる

Japanese food

the specific foods planted/produced and well-eaten in Japan, such as fruits, vegetables, confections, snacks, etc.Japanese says Wa-Syoku. > example products 和食 わしょく

staple of a situation

Products that can be expected to have stable sales regardless of fashion. In turn, it is a typical one. The usual thing. One of the job titles of the Edo Shogunate. It was stationed at Sunpu Castle in Osaka and guarded the castle and its vicinity. The keeper who keeps his turn. Japanese says … Read More


head of a family. a man who is older and higher in rank than yourself. Japanese says Zoku-Cho. > head stocks 族長 ぞくちょう

Tribal chief

chief stocks 首長 しゅちょう くびちょう

ascetic practices

To practice the teachings of the Buddha in search of enlightenment. A religious act of refusing all desires and training and purifying the mind and body. To raise the spirit and to master academics and arts. Japanese says Shu-Gyo. 修行 しゅぎょう > Old language in Japanese stocks


the evening before All Saints Day. Also, check more > enjoy fun stock 片仮名 カタカナ ハロウィン ハローウィン


Buddhist language. Everything has changed, and it is not a permanent residence. Everything in this world changes quickly and does not stay in the same state for a while. Especially the ephemeral nature of life. Don’t know when you will die. Japanese says Mu-Jou. 漢字 むじょう


FriendPlease check it out! > example stuff a person you know well and regard with affection and trust.Japanese says Tomo-Dachi. 漢字 フレンド 友達 ともだち

intoxicated person

Someone who is cheerful. A person who is happy and excited. Someone who is fascinated by the fun. Japanese says U-ka-re-te-i-ru-ya-tsu. > about fun stocks 漢字 浮かれている奴 うかれているやつ

party people

It is a coined word. It is a people who like a party so much. Also, please check it > fun, enjoy stocks カタカナ パーティーピープル パーリーピーポー

Suspicious fellow

Often say a suspicious person in the Edo period drama. Japanese calls Kuse-mono. > about Edo period Stocks 漢字 曲者 くせもの

disguise (temporary)

Temporary costume for people who fancy dress is not determined at Halloween.Japanese calls Ka-So-Kakko-Kari. > Also, more fun stock 仮装 仮 かそう

Trick or Treat if brat says

If Japanese unruly kid says “Trick or Treat” at Halloween in Japanese. There is no corrective words in Japan. You choose take a trick or give me candy (sweets) in literal translation. > fun enjoy stocks > about Halloween stocks 悪戯か菓子か決めろや