CEO on back in Kanji, on front Katakana T-Shirt

Chief Executive Officer Japanese says “Sai-Ko Kei-Ei-Seki-Nin-Sha”. It is the title of a company that takes the form of an American-style corporate governance organization. The CEO often has the role of strategic decision making of the company, management audit of executive officers, and business execution by himself, so he has a great deal of … Read More

[Kanji] chief long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] chief long sleeves T-Shirt 1 the leader of a group of people. 2 the head of a tribe or clan. 3 the head administrative officer of a college or university. Japanese says shu-seki.

[Kanji] CEO Mug

[Kanji] CEO Mug It is the title of a company that takes the form of an American-style corporate governance organization. The CEO often has the role of strategic decision making of the company, management audit of executive officers, and business execution by himself, so he has a great deal of authority compared to the … Read More

[Kanji] group leader T-Shirt

[Kanji] group leader T-Shirt An individual in charge of a group of people. Japanese says Han-Cyo.

[Kanji] senior vice president Long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] senior vice president Long sleeves T-Shirt an executive vice officer of a firm or corporation. the vice leader of a group meeting. Japanese calls Fuku-Sha-Cho.

[Kanji] head assistant of a department T-Shirt

A position to assist the work of the chief director in department. There is no authority. Japanese calls “Bu Cho Ho Sa”. [Kanji] head assistant of a department T-Shirt

[Kanji] vice chief of a department T-Shirt

[Kanji] vice chief of a department T-Shirt The role of assisting the chief director in the department. Or the person in that role. The position next to the chief director. Japanese calls “Fuku Bu Cho”.

[Kanji] head of a department Long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] head of a department T-Shirt a person responsible for the administration of a business. A manager in an organization. A manager is a person who directs workers and runs an organization in the field. Japanese calls Bu-Cho.

[Kanji] head of a unit T-Shirt

[Kanji] head of a unit T-Shirt It is a position for a person who is in a managerial position in the section, which is the smallest unit to carry out business. Japanese calls “Kakari Cho”.

[Kanji] vice chief of a unit T-Shirt

[Kanji] vice chief of a unit T-Shirt It is a position for a person who is in a managerial position in the section, which is the smallest unit to carry out business. It is one lower position of the chief. japanese said “Fuku Kakari Cho”.

[Kanji] head assistant of a unit T-shirt

It is an assistant role of the head of unit. There is no discretionary power, and it is often attached for convenience. Japanese calls “Kakari Cho Ho Sa”. [Kanji] head assistant of a unit T-shirt

[Kanji] deputy manager of a department T-Shirt

In an organization such as an administrative agency or a private company, it is a job / position that is placed as an agent or deputy for the job of the department manager. The position directly under the manager. Japanese calls “Ji cho”. [Kanji] deputy manager of a department T-Shirt

[Kanji] company president T-Shirt

Chief executive officer of the company. In a joint-stock company, it is common for a representative director to be a member of the board of directors and have legal representation rights. A director named after the president is recognized as an apparent representative director even if he / she does not have the right … Read More

[Kanji] rush of business T-shirts

Japanese calls “Sho-Bai-Han-Jo”. rush of business. thriving business. [Kanji] rush of business T-Shirt

[Kanji] Make big business. Polo Shirt

[Kanji] Make big business. Polo Shirt Japanese calls “Sho-Bai-Han-Jo”. rush of business. thriving business.

[Kanji] default ON a debt T-Shirt

[Kanji] default ON a debt T-Shirt The debtor does not perform to the creditor in accordance with the purpose of the debt without justifiable reason. Japanese says “Sai-Mu-Fu-Ri-Ko”.