
Ito is the 5th most common Japanese surname. In the sense of Mr. Fujiwara of Ise, there are many in Mie and Aichi. > Japanese names in Kanji Ranked by surname (family name) in Japan. Ranking Surname approximate number of persons 1st Sato 1,853,000 2nd Suzuki 1,786,000 3rd Takahashi 1,399,000 4th Tanaka 1,326,000 5th … Read More

[Kanji] Ito T-Shirt

Ito is the 5th most common Japanese surname. In the sense of Mr. Fujiwara of Ise, there are many in Mie and Aichi. [Kanji] Ito T-Shirt

[Kanji] Ito Hoodie

[Kanji] Ito Hoodie Ito is the 5th most common Japanese surname. In the sense of Mr. Fujiwara of Ise, there are many in Mie and Aichi.