
A type of ball game. It used to be called “Hai kyu” in Japan. A competition in which two teams face each other on a court with a net in the center and hit each other without touching the floor. There are six-person system and nine-person system, and the six-person system is the mainstream … Read More


Please check it out! > example products Japanese calls “Sui ei”. It refers to the movement of swimming on the surface of the water or in the water. It was also called swimming, and until the end of the Edo period it was called water bathing (suiren). As competitions, in addition to competitive swimming, … Read More

fast sailing ship yacht team

A competition in which a yacht sails on a set course and competes for the required time. The competition team group. Japanese says kai-soku-sen-bu. > sports stocks 漢字 快速船部 ヨット部

beach volleyball

An outdoor variant of volleyball played on sand. Volleyball on the beach. Usually two people. The rules are almost the same as a six-player volleyball, using a slightly softer ball. Japanese says sa-dan-hai-kyu. 漢字 沙灘排球 ビーチバレー

Tennis team

A ball game where two or two players play a ball with a racket over the net. It is a game adopted at the Olympics and Paralympics, and is widely known regardless of age, gender, or physical personality. The group of sports. Japanese says Tei-kyu-bu. > ball game, sports stocks 漢字 庭球部 ていきゅうぶ テニス部

Baseball team

Japanese says ya-kyu-bu. > club team Kanji stocks 漢字 野球部 やきゅうぶ

football team

Club activities aimed at playing soccer (Association football) . Soccer (Association football) is one of the sports competitions in which one team is played by a total of two teams of 11 people using a round sphere. Japanese says shu-kyu-bu. > Ball game in Kanji stocks 漢字 蹴球部 サッカー部

volleyball team

volleyball teamPlease check it out!  > product for example Japanese says hai-kyu-bu.

basketball team

A game in which two teams of five players each compete for one ball within a specified time and throw it into the basket of the other team to compete for points. And this competition team. Mainly refers to the school team. Japanese says ro-kyu-(bu). > Club Team stocks 漢字 籠球部 篭球部 バスケ部 バスケットボール部


any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other’s goal. Japanese says syu-kyu. > Ball game in Kanji stocks 漢字 蹴球 しゅうきゅう サッカー フットボール

mountaineering club

The part aimed at climbing. Japanese says san-gaku-bu. > Nakama Stocks 漢字 山岳部 さんがくぶ

Karate in Katakana

the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc. > Martial arts stocks 片仮名 カタカナ カラテ


bowlingPlease check it out!  >example products the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc 保齢球 ボーリング 漢字

classical form of martial art

1. A technique for attacking or defending an enemy with bare hands or with a short weapon. Similar to Jiu-Jitsu and Kenpo. 2. Gymnastics. Around the first year of the Meiji era, it was used to mean Western-style gymnastics for some time until the term gymnastics was generally established. Japanese calls “Tai Jutsu”. > … Read More


please check it out! > example products Modern means martial arts manual by hitting, poking, kicking and atemi Waza. Japanese calls Ken-Po. けんぽう ケンポー 漢字


about billiards An indoor game in which players compete for points by hitting a ball with a long stick called a cue on a rectangular table with Rasha. There are various theories about its origin, such as Spain, England, China, France, and Italy. The modern billiards have been established since the 19th century, due … Read More


a Japanese form of wrestling. a Japanese wrestling sports. A competition in which two people work together in the ring and win if they defeat the opponent or take them out of the ring. > Japan traditional stock すもう 漢字 格闘技

Zui Quan

It is one of the Chinese Kenpo, but it does not mean that there is a barrier called “Drunken” such as “Shu Lin Fist” or “Tai Chi”. It is a general term for fist law that is used in various places in China, such as drinking alcohol and drunken motions, and attacks are taken … Read More


A ball game in which two teams of five players each compete for one ball on the court, put it in the opponent’s basket, and compete for the score. The ball has a circumference of 75 to 78 cm, is handled by hand, and is carried by dribbling, passing, etc. The basket is an … Read More


> ball game in Japanese stock A type of ball game. Two teams of the same number of players enter each on a court (square or circle) with a line drawn in the center and hit each other with balls (about 20 to 30 cm in diameter). If the ball is hit or caught … Read More


A fighting sport in which only the front and sides of the opponent’s upper body are targeted by wearing gloves on the fists and using only punches. In the old days Japanese was called Kento. > Sports stock けんとう ボクシング 漢字

[Kanji] Volleyball Long sleeves T-shirt

[Kanji] Volleyball Long sleeves T-shirt In the old days was called HaiKyu. A ball game in which two opposing teams compete for points by striking each other across the net so as not to drop the ball on the floor. It is a friendly sport that can be played regardless of age or gender, … Read More


tennis. Please check it out! > stuff for example Japanese says “tei-kyu”. テニス ていきゅう 漢字


A competition in which two teams of nine people alternately attack and defend using equipment such as balls, bats, and gloves, and compete for the total score in the normal nine innings (one point when turning four bases). It has spread to the United States, Japan and other East Asian countries, Cuba and other … Read More

Sumo wrestler

A person who wrestles. Strictly speaking, it is a general term for players who belong to the sumo room, have a shikona name, and participate in sumo wrestling regardless of the ranking. Japanese calls Su-Mo-Riki-Shi. > Japan traditional stock 相撲力士 すもうりきし

Table tennis

Table tennis. Please check it out! Japanese says “Ta kyu”. たっきゅう 漢字


Your (her/his) name became a Japanese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning.. > name in kanji stocks 欧米名アラキナ 変換 漢字

kung fu

Kung fu is now synonymous with Chinese martial arts and Chinese martial arts. When you think of kung fu, you can imagine kicking and hitting, fighting with a sword and a club, and flying and bouncing acrobatics. However, kung fu is originally a term that means the accumulation of training, the accumulation of time … Read More

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