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translated name into kanji for Betty. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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Name Abel translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > what are your(his/her) name?


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name Abner in Japanese Kanji. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?

Carol by horizon name

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Name Carol translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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translated name into kanji for Al. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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name Aby in Japanese Kanji. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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Name Ema translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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Name Adrian translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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translated name into kanji for Josef. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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translated name into kanji for Ahab. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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translated name into kanji for Adele. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?

Rin by name

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Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?

Aeneas by name

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translated name into kanji for Aeneas. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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translated name into kanji for Adlai. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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Name Sindy translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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translated name into kanji for Abe who is none Japanese. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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translated name into kanji for Adolf. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


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unanimously, with one voice, with one consent, in a chorus. Japanese calls I-Ku-Dou-On. > Four character idiom Stocks 異口同音 いくどうおん 四字熟語漢字

Abusive language

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Japanese calls A-Ko-Z-Gon. To speak ill of this or that to one’s heart’s content. > four character idiom stocks as negative あっこうぞうごん 悪口雑言

agonizing cries

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A very messy state where people are suffering and crying. Annoying hell and screaming hell in Buddhism. Both are one of the eight great hells. It may also refer to the hell of annoyance. Japanese calls A-Bi-Kyo-Kan. > 4characters idiom as negative stock あびきょうかん 漢字 阿鼻叫喚

fight desperately

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Japanese calls Aku-Sen-Ku-To. hard fighting, hard struggle, fighting against heavy odds. Willing to fight a very painful battle against a strong opponent. In turn, make constant efforts while suffering in difficult situations. > fout characters idiom stocks あくせんくとう 漢字 四字熟語

[Kanji] Viv by name Hoodie

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[Kanji] Viv by name Hoodie translated name into kanji for Viv. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning.

[Kanji] Viv by name T-shirt

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translated name into kanji for Viv. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. Viv by name in Kanji T-shirt

[Kanji] Virgil by name T-shirt

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Name Virgil translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. [Kanji] Virgil by name T-shirt

[Kanji] Violet by name T-shirt

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Name Violet translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. [Kanji] Violet by name T-shirt

[Kanji] Viola by name Hoodie

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Viola by name in Kanji Tee Shirts name translated into kanji for Viola. Your (her/his) name became a Japanese Kanji. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning.

[Kanji] Viola by name T-shirt

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name translated into kanji for Viola. Your (her/his) name became a Japanese Kanji. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. [Kanji] Viola by name T-shirt

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