group leader

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A group leader is the head of an organizational unit called a group in an organization, a group, or a school. Position mainly used in companies, government offices, etc. Japanese says Han-Cyo. > stuff for example 漢字 班長 はんちょう

[Kanji + Hiragana] Trick or Treat T-shirt

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[Kanji + Kana] Trick or Treat T-shirt For example if Japanese kid says “Trick or Treat” at Halloween in Japanese. Japanese says Ita-Zura-Ka Ka-Shi-Wata-Su-Ka.

Trick or Treat

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For example if Japanese kids says “Trick or Treat” at Halloween in Japanese, then Japanese says Ita-Zura-Ka Ka-Shi-Wata-Su-Ka. There is no corrective words in Japan. > fun enjoy stocks 悪戯 菓子 いたずら


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written by vertically stroke written by horizontally stroke > example stuff The Principality of Liechtenstein is a doubly landlocked German-speaking microstate in Central Europe.It is a constitutional monarchy with the rank of principality, headed by the Prince of Liechtenstein. リヒテンシュタイン リキテンシュタイン 漢字


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> product for example a grand duchy (a constitutional monarchy) landlocked in northwestern Europe between France and Belgium and Germany. ルクセンブルク 国名漢字 盧森堡


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a Serbian province in southern Serbia and Montenegro populated predominantly by Albanians. > example stuff コソボ ヨーロッパ 漢字


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limpPlease check it out! > example stuff boiling until shapeless or mushy. Japanese calls Gu-Da-Gu-Da in Japanese Hiragana.

Riceball in Hiragana

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please check it out! > example products sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori That word in Japanese Hiragana Japanese calls Onigiri おにぎり

Jamaica by verically

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Please check it out! > example products Jamaica is an island country situated in the Caribbean Sea, comprising the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles. ジャマイカ 漢字


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Ideal to capture things emotionally, to have a strong dream and an ideal dream. In Japan, it is often used in the sense of having a strong yearning for dreams and adventures. Japanese calls Ro-Man. >example products ロマン 漢字

quitting smoking

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I have quit smoking. If you smoke while quitting smoking, don’t give up and try again. If you don’t give up, it’s not a failure, it’s a step towards success. japanese calls Kin-En-Chu. > example stuff

Happy Birthday in Katakana

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This work transliterates Happy Birthday into katakana. Happy BirthdayPlease check it out!  > product for example ハッピーバースデー カタカナ


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flight Japanese calls Hi-Shou. Please check it out!  > example stuff ひしょう 漢字


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game Please check it out! > stuff for example


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please check it out! > example products Japanese calls E-Se. 似非 えせ


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Please check it out! > product for example Croatia overeign state at the crossroads of Central Europe, Southeast Europe, and the Mediterranean. クロアチア 漢字

Usubeni by vertically

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HEX: #d35871 RGB: R211 G88 B113 CMYK: C0 M0.583 Y0.464 K0.173 Light red. It is also said that “Tan ko” or “Usu Kurenai” in Japan. Please check it out! > product for example うすべに たんこう うすくれない 色 漢字

Metallic color

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It is a dark blue-green color that resembles the color of iron-burnt skin. It may also refer to the dull blue color of the glaze Kuresu. Japanese says Kuro-gane-iro. > example products for metal > example products for colors くろがねいろ 漢字


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Please check it out! > example products A peaceful and enjoyable land governed by a royal road. Japanese calls O-Do-Raku-Do. おうどうらくど 漢字 四字熟語

Liechtenstein by vertically

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Principality surrounded by Switzerland and Austria in the Alps, in central Europe. The Rhine flows through the western border, the lowlands in the north, and mountains above 2000 m in the south. > product for example リヒテンシュタイン リキテンシュタイン 漢字


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Please check it out! > product for example HEX: #d35871 RGB: R211 G88 B113 CMYK: C0 M0.583 Y0.464 K0.173 Light red. It is also said that “Tan ko” or “Usu Kurenai” in Japan. うすべに たんこう うすくれない 色 漢字


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Please check it out! > example products An island country in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Saudi Arabia. It is a formal Kanji recorded in the dictionary. バーレーン 国名 漢字 البحرين في كانجي

Andorra by vertically

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A small republic in the eastern Pyrenees between Spain and France. It is a formal Kanji recorded in the dictionary. Please check it out! > example stuff アンドラ 漢字 ヨーロッパ

worthy of national treasure

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Although it lacks a decisive factor in identifying the author and origin by scientific inspection, it is as valuable as a national treasure in terms of age and technique. Items or people that are not recognized as national treasures but are of similar value. > example products こくほうきゅう 漢字


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Overview The capital of France. Located in the central part of the Paris Basin in the northern part of the country, the Seine River runs through the city. It has developed as a central city in all aspects of this country, which was one of the fastest unified European countries, and its activities in … Read More

Emperor by one letter

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1. The best ruler of the world. 2. Heavenly god. Japanese says “Mikado” by one character. Please check it > example stuff みかど 漢字

World unity by vertically

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Please check it out! > example stuff written by vertically. Japanese says “Se-Kai-To-Itsu”. せかいとういつ 漢字 世界


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It is an element with atomic number 26. The element symbol is Fe. It is the second most abundant on the earth after aluminum, and is produced as hematite, magnetite, limonite, iron sand, etc. It is old difficult Kanji character. Japanese calls Tetsu and Kurogane. > example products てつ くろがね 漢字

Buckwheat noodles

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Please check it out! > example stuff Japan calls So-Ba. It is of healthy foods in Japan. it’s same Kanji Soba flour (Buckwheat beans).


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a republic in northwestern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea with a population that is predominantly Sunni Muslim.People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria. Please check it out! >example products 阿留世里屋 アフリカ 漢字 アルジェリア

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