Ichiban first in Kanji as old letter - Zangyo-Ninja

The meaning of the first element in the series that can be counted. Number one. The first or highest in order or sequence. The beginning of the order and the top of the order. It is also used to mean the most. Japanese said “Ichi ban” as bold style in kanji. Click here for … Read More

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Ichiban first in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

The beginning of the order and the top of the order. It is also used to mean the most. The first or highest in order or sequence. The meaning of the first element in the series that can be counted. Number one. Japanese said “Ichi ban” as bold style in kanji. Click here for … Read More

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Sahara Desert in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

The world’s largest desert that stretches across the northern part of the African Continent. The name Sahara itself means “wilderness” in Arabic. It occupies about one-third of the total area of ​​the African Continent. Most of it is rocky desert except for some dunes, and it is rich in underground resources such as oil, … Read More

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Mt. Everest in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

The highest peak in the world in the Himalayas bordering the Chinese border in eastern Nepal. Altitude 8848m (There are other theories such as 8882, 8842, 8840m). In Tibetan, it is called Mt. Everest, and even in Japanese kanji, it is written as shown in the image above and read the same. The meaning … Read More

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Vatican in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Located in the city of Rome, it is the smallest independent country in the world governed by the Pope. Catholic Omotoyama. It is close to the west bank of the Tiber and is surrounded by old walls except St. Peter’s Square. It is governed by the Roman Curia with the Pope as the head … Read More

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diamond in Kanji wrote by vertically - Zangyo-Ninja

The hardest gem diamond on earth. Because of its hardness, the meaning of “connecting hard bonds” is included. Japanese says “Kon go seki”.

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best on earth in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

That there is nothing better than the world. First in the whole world. unique thing. Japanese says “Ten Ka Ichi”.

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diamond in wrote by horizontally - Zangyo-Ninja

A carbon equiaxed crystal mineral with the highest hardness and the highest gloss. It is prized as a gem. Japan calls “Kon go seki”.

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