Japan zodiac signs style (black face) large clock

Japan zodiac kanji style like black face large clock It is a dial of an Japanese zodiac numeral. Pronunciation symbols are listed. In the distant past when we were born, Japan had the concept of expressing time by the Japanese zodiac. However, since it was before the introduction of Western time measurement methods, there … Read More

Japan zodiac signs style (white face) square wall clock

It is a dial of an Japanese zodiac numeral. Pronunciation symbols are listed. In the distant past when we were born, Japan had the concept of expressing time by the Japanese zodiac. However, since it was before the introduction of Western time measurement methods, there were many ambiguous expressions. Since the zodiac is in … Read More

[kanji] symbolical of longevity Raglan T-shirt

It is said the animal of the long life in Japan. Japanese says “Tsuru Kame”. [kanji] symbolical of longevity Raglan T-shirt つるかめ 漢字 鶴亀

[Kanji] Camel Hoodie

cud-chewing mammal used as a draft or saddle animal in desert regions. Japan calls “Raku-Da”. [Kanji] Camel Hoodie


wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump. More! Animal stocks 騾馬 ラマ リャマ 漢字


unidentified mysterious animal. Japanese calls Mi-Kaku-Nin-Sei-Butsu. > example products みかくにんせいぶつ 漢字 未確認生物

[Kanji] Camel T-Shirt

[Kanji] Camel T-Shirt cud-chewing mammal used as a draft or saddle animal in desert regions Japanese says “Raku-Da”.

[Kanji] chinese dragon T-Shirt

Imaginary animal. Its body resembles a large snake, with 81 scales on its back, five fingers on each of its four legs, two horns on its head, long ears on its face, and a long beard on its mouth. have. It lives in the water or in the ground, sometimes flies in the air, … Read More

[Kanji] reptiles T-Shirt

[Kanji] reptiles T-Shirt A class of vertebral animals. The body has scallops and insteps, and the limbs are short or degenerated. Cold blood, oviparous, lung breathing. Japanese says “Ha-Chu-Rui”.

[Kanji] reptiles T-Shirts

A class of vertebral animals. The body has scallops and insteps, and the limbs are short or degenerated. Cold blood, oviparous, lung breathing. Japan calls “Ha-Chu-Rui”. [Kanji] reptiles Hoodie

[Kanji] Giraffe T-Shirts

The legs are long, the height to the top of the head reaches 6 meters, and it eats the leaves of tall trees such as acacia. Imaginary animal of China. It was said to appear as a precursor to the appearance of saints. An outstanding person of talent. Japanese says “Ki Rin”. [Kanji] Giraffe … Read More

[Kanji] Giraffe T-Shirt

[Kanji] Giraffe T-Shirt The legs are long, the height to the top of the head reaches 6 meters, and it eats the leaves of tall trees such as acacia. Imaginary animal of China. It was said to appear as a precursor to the appearance of saints. An outstanding person of talent. Japanese says “Ki … Read More

[Kanji] llama T-shirt

[Kanji] llama T-shirt wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump.

[Kanji] llama Hoodie

wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump. [Kanji] llama Hoodie

[Kanji] mantis T-Shirt

It is a carnivorous insect whose front legs change into a sickle and prey on other small animals. Japanese says “Kamakiri”. [Kanji] mantis T-Shirt

Sperm whale

The body length is about 18 m or more for males and about 12 m or more for females. Maximum weight is about 57t. Birth length is 3.5-4.5m. Body color is brown or brownish gray or bluish gray throughout the body, with white spots centered on the snout and navel. It mainly preys on … Read More


It has strong claws and its body is covered with long grayish brown hair. Distributed in Central and South America. It lives in tropical rainforests from lowlands to highlands, and hangs on tree branches during the day. Blue-green algae grow on the hair. It is nocturnal and eats leaves and fruits. Japanese calls Namakemono. … Read More

[Kanji] mammals T-Shirts

A general term for vertebrates of the mammal class. It has hair on the skin, sweat glands, mammary glands, etc., and raises the baby with milk. Breathing lungs, a homeothermic animal with birds, the heart is completely divided into four parts, two atria and two ventricles. Japanese says “Ho-Nyu-Rui”. [Kanji] mammals T-Shirts


> animals stock Tree marsupials peculiar to Australia. It is known to have a peculiar eating habit that eats only some leaves of eucalyptus. It has a bear-like body, a large round head, and long hairs densely on its ears. Due to the development of forests and overfishing for fur, the number decreased significantly … Read More


It has its name because its mouth resembles a duck’s beak. There are limbs on the limbs, which are suitable for underwater life. The hair is dark brown velvety and grows densely. Japanese calls Kamono-Hashi. > Animal stocks

[Kanji] mantis T-Shirts

[Kanji] mantis T-Shirt It is a carnivorous insect whose front legs change into a sickle and prey on other small animals. Japanese says “Kamakiri”.

[Kanji] hippopotamus T-Shirt

Japanese calls Ka-Ba. massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa. [Kanji] hippopotamus T-Shirt

[Kanji] hippopotamus Sleeveless Shirt

[Kanji] hippopotamus Sleeveless Shirt Japanese calls Ka-Ba. massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa.

[Kanji] Reindeer T-Shirt

An animal of the order Artiodactyla of the order Honyu. Medium to large deer. Normally, only males are horned in deer, but one of the major characteristics of this species is that females also have horns. Habitats include Eurasia and the northern part of North America, of which North American ones are customarily called … Read More

[Kanji] Reindeer long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] Reindeer long sleeves T-Shirt An animal of the order Artiodactyla of the order Honyu. Medium to large deer. Normally, only males are horned in deer, but one of the major characteristics of this species is that females also have horns. Habitats include Eurasia and the northern part of North America, of which North … Read More


sirenian tusked mammal found from eastern Africa to Australia. The dugong is a large herbivore with a cetacean-like body and a small head, and is said to have become a model for “mermaids.” Japanese says “Ju-gon”. > mammals animal Kanji stock ジュゴン 漢字

horseshoe crab

The horseshoe crab body consists of an iron-shaped fore and aft and a tail sword, and the female is about 60 cm long and about 3.0 kg male. The horseshoe crab prefers an inland bay flat. The larvae feed on and grow microbes in a tidal flat near brackish water and rivers. Adults prey … Read More


cud-chewing mammal used as a draft or saddle animal in desert regions. japanese said “Raku Da”. Animal stocks


1.domestic beast of burden descended from the African wild ass. 2.the symbol of the Democratic Party. japanese said “Ro-Ba”. > Animals stock

Sea lion

Often refers to California sea lions. Marine mammals of the family Seal family. Males are 2.2m long and females are 1.6m long. Mainly the American coast of the North Pacific Ocean and the Galapagos Islands, and once in Japan, the subspecies Japanese sea lion was widely distributed from the Kuril Islands to the Izu … Read More

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