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United Kingdom

United Kingdom in Kanji brushed イギリス 漢字

The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe.
An island country on the Atlantic Ocean northwest of the European continent. The United Kingdom occupies the British Isles along with the Republic of Ireland. The British Isles consist of about 5,000 large and small islands, located off the northern coast of the Western European continent. The main island of Great Britain is surrounded by the English Channel to the south, the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north, and the Irish Sea and the St. Georges Strait to the west. Northern Ireland, which occupies the northern part of the second island of Ireland, is surrounded by the Irish Sea and the North Channel to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north, and the Republic of Ireland to the west and south.
It is a formal Kanji recorded in the dictionary.
Japanese says Igiri. It came to be used with the Portuguese word Inglez.
> Europe spot Kanji stock

イギリス 国名漢字