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It includes the most evolved humans and apes in the animal kingdom, but also primitive primitive apes, which in itself is one of the major characteristics of primates. Japanese calls Rei-Cho-Rui. > mammals kanji stocks 漢字 霊長類 れいちょうるい


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It means that the living function has been irreversibly lost. The dormant state found in lower organisms and plant seeds is not death. Usually, certain cessation of physiological function or morphological change that occurs at the time of death of an individual is regarded as a sign of death. Japanese says “Shi”. > about … Read More

[Kanji] the internal organs T-Shirt

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[Kanji] the internal organs T-Shirt It is the name of the internal organs of the human body in Chinese medicine, and the five organs are liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Six organs refers to the six gall bladder, small intestine, stomach, large intestine, bladder, and sansho. If you compare the five viscera and … Read More

(Kanji) Yellow by black letter T-Shirt

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One of the three primary colors. One of the oldest color name concepts after black, white and red. The oldest yellow pigment in humankind is loess, and in Japan, grasses such as Kariyasu have been used as yellow dyes for a long time. Japanese says “Ki”, “Ou”. (Kanji) Yellow by black letter T-Shirt

(Kanji) Yellow T-shirt

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(Kanji) Yellow T-shirt One of the three primary colors. One of the oldest color name concepts after black, white and red. The oldest yellow pigment in humankind is loess, and in Japan, grasses such as Kariyasu have been used as yellow dyes for a long time. Japanese says “Ki”, “Ou”.


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ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food. tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties Japanese says Tomorokoshi and Tokibi. > vegetables stock とうもろこし コーン 玉蜀黍


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About the fairy A supernatural being who lives in a world close to the human world and can be transformed. Its beauty, size, good and evil, etc. vary greatly depending on the region and time, but in general, it has a very human-like appearance and nature, often lacks conscience and moderation, is capricious, and … Read More

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