[Kanji] chinese dragon T-Shirt

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Imaginary animal. Its body resembles a large snake, with 81 scales on its back, five fingers on each of its four legs, two horns on its head, long ears on its face, and a long beard on its mouth. have. It lives in the water or in the ground, sometimes flies in the air, … Read More

Lively filled

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The dragon takes off and the tiger jumps up. Being full of bubbling vibrancy. It is an auspicious four-character idiom that has been around for a long time. Japanese calls Ryu-Tou-Ko-Yaku. > greeting word stock 龍騰虎躍 りゅうとうこやく 漢字


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trend, tendency or expressive style, style. Japan calls Ryu. > more One character Kanji stock りゅう 漢字

[Kanji] Ryu Hoodie

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Ryu Hoodie The flow of the river. The flow of the tide. The flow of electricity. Gas flow. Japanese says “Ryu”.


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1. A legendary creature, usually depicted as long and snake-like, with many claws, common in several East Asian cultures. 2. A large snake-like monster with the eyes of a hare, the horns of a stag, and the claws of a tiger, known for its benevolent behavior in ancient Oriental mythology. Also, the nickname for … Read More