certain alien species in Kanji [in Stock]


It is designated as an alien species of overseas origin that damages or may cause damage to the ecosystem, human life / body, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Specific exotic organisms are limited to living organisms, and include not only individuals but also eggs, seeds, and organs. Japan call “Toku tei gai rai shu”.


ecology in Katakana [in Stock]


it’s in Japanese Katakana language. 1. the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment. 2. the environment as it relates to living organisms.


gene in Kanji [in Stock]


the functional and physical unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring. genes are pieces of dna, and most genes contain the information for making a specific protein. Factors regulating the genetic traits of organisms. Genetic factors. Japanese says I-den-shi.


certain alien species

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It is a creature that has entered the area that originally did not live from the original habitat due to human influence. An organism that prey on native organisms or may harm the ecosystem. Japanese says toku-tei-gai-rai-syu. > alien in Japanese stock 漢字 特定外来種 とくていがいらいしゅ


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1. the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment. 2. the environment as it relates to living organisms about Ecology Originally, it refers to ecology, which is a discipline that focuses on the interrelationship between the environment and living things. The term ecology ecology is the German biologist E. … Read More

[Kanji] Scorpion T-Shirt

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[Kanji] Scorpion T-Shirt Japanese says “Sasori” It is a predator with a scissor-shaped pedipalp at the front end of the body and a poisonous stinger at the rear end. The oldest fossil record, including more than 1,700 species, dates back to the Silurian period 430 million years ago. Widely known as toxic organisms, only … Read More


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It means that the living function has been irreversibly lost. The dormant state found in lower organisms and plant seeds is not death. Usually, certain cessation of physiological function or morphological change that occurs at the time of death of an individual is regarded as a sign of death. Japanese says “Shi”. > about … Read More