Thanks in Katakana & 5 languages as heart shapes - Zangyo-Ninja

Thanks is expressed in English, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese (male), Japanese Katakana and Indian Hindi as a heart-shaped writing style. And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. The Japanese phrase “thanks” is written in a basic form. This Japanese phrase “arigatou” is the basic form of the word “thanks”. Although there are ways to write it … Read More

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I love you and I like you in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

This Katakana is a Katakanaized version of the English pronunciation. Of the two lines, the upper is “I love you” and the lower is “I like you”. It is not in exact English The word “like” in “i like you,” which is the second line, is not usually used for people, but Japanese people … Read More

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free free free in Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

There is no price for goods or services. It’s Free written vertical in Japanese Katakana. Free written horizon in Japanese Kanji. Free written vertical in Japanese Hiragana. Hiragana and katakana are colloquial translations of Kanji, so the meaning may not be understood depending on what is written. Japanese called “tada” in Japanese katakana and … Read More

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Samurai in katakana wrote by vertically - Zangyo-Ninja

Samurai in Japanese Katakana. The verb “Saburafu”, which means to refrain from your aides, was turned into a noun, and was also called “Saburai”. The word “Samurai” can be seen in “Nihon Shoki”, but in the Heian period, there were samurai and samurai chiefs who served the Empress and Chugū, and the prince and … Read More

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Halloween in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

A festival originated in Europe, held on October 31 every year. Originally a religious event that celebrates the autumn harvest and drives out evil spirits, it takes place on the night before the All-hallow, the day of the Catholic Saints, on November 1. Shortened “All-hallow-even” and called Halloween. In recent years there is Halloween … Read More

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Bossa nova in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

A new form of samba born in Brazil around 1958. Composers and pianists Antônio Carlos Jobim (1927-94), singers and guitarist João Gilberto, and others are the origins, and in contrast to samba, which is characterized by their wildness and enthusiasm, the influence of West Coast jazz It had an intellectual and calm sense and … Read More

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Happy birthday in katakana - Zangyo-Ninja
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Sasuke in katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

Sasuke a character for a video game Ninja Master’s Sasuke Uchiha, a character in Naruto media Sarutobi Sasuke, a character in Japanese children’s stories. Sasuke or NinjaRed, one of several main characters in the Ninja Sentai Kakuranger television series.

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folly in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

This is a word that speaks of stupid and slow people. In the words from “Otanchin”, the prostitutes were calling about bad customers. It seems that there are various reasons for having become an “Otankonasu”.

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super dry in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

1. “Slow sweetness” and “little sweetness” about the mouthfeel of sake. 2. Extremely emptying of water contained in things, Extremely eliminating it. This is in Japanese Katakana.

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lick me transliterated in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja
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bitch in katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

1. female of any member of the dog family. 2. informal terms for objecting. 3. a person who is thoroughly disliked. 4. an unpleasant difficulty. It’s in Japanese Kata-kana.

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ecology in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

it’s in Japanese Katakana language. 1. the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment. 2. the environment as it relates to living organisms.

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Naruto wrote by vertical in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

Naruto is a city located in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. The city was founded on March 15, 1947. The Naruto whirlpools are between Naruto and Awaji Island in Hyogo. The Otsuka Museum of Art is the largest exhibition space in Japan. This is Japanese language in Katakana.

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