Description for “Many thanks in Hiragana & 3 lang as heart shape”
Many thanks is expressed in English, French, German, and Japanese Hiragana as a heart-shaped writing style.
And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”.
The Japanese phrase “many thanks” is written in a modern way
In Japanese, it is “Meccha Arigatou”. This is also written entirely in hiragana.
“Arigatou” is equivalent to ‘Thanks’ in English, as explained on other pages. Meccha (Mmeccha)” is an adverb equivalent to ‘more’ or ‘very’ in English, but it is a modern, informal word rather than a traditional one. Meccha” was originally an accent word peculiar to the Kansai region of Japan (Osaka, Kyoto, etc.), but it has spread among young people and is now used throughout the country.
So, although “Meccha Arigatou” is acceptable to all Japanese, it is a broken word and should not be used with superiors.
The pronunciation of “Meccha (Mmeccha)” is similar to the Spanish “Muchas” in this work, and it might be better to change the first two letters to “Me”.
I may present more works in the Kansai dialect in the future, so I will give a detailed explanation at that time.
There are minute differences between this work and the sample design
This is a minor difference, so I won’t go into it, but in the sample design, the heart shape is immediately visible because it is already designed on the heart object. This work is based on the assumption that there is not necessarily a heart object.