Superhuman feat, Divine work

1. Events about God. Divine affairs. 2. God’s work. Also, such superhuman skills and acts. Japanese says Kami-waza, Kamu-waza. > example stuff かみわざ かむわざ 漢字


Is a popular name for the Japanese common toad. They appear in the shade during the day and appear in the evening to catch insects and helminths with their tongues sticking out, but because they are quick, they seem to be naturally drawn into their mouths. It is used as a figurine as an … Read More

Gray color

Japanese says “Hai”. The powder that remains after burning various substances. Usually it combines “Iro”, and they says “Hai-Iro”. Sometimes it used this word when it’s not clear in black and white. > colors stock はい グレー 漢字

colossus leader VIP

An influential person who is one of the important restraints. A central figure who plays an important role in that direction. A person who plays an important role in a certain society / field. Japanese says Ju-chin. > VIP Kanji stocks じゅうちん 漢字


a port and tourist center in southwestern Italy. Please check it out! > example stuff ナポリ 漢字 イタリア都市

Love by thinly

Japanese calls Ai. 1. sexual activities between two people. 2. any object of warm affection or devotion. 3. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction. 4. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection. 5. a beloved person. > Love in Japanese stock ラブ あい 漢字


It means that the living function has been irreversibly lost. The dormant state found in lower organisms and plant seeds is not death. Usually, certain cessation of physiological function or morphological change that occurs at the time of death of an individual is regarded as a sign of death. Japanese says “Shi”. > about … Read More


As a result of heavy physical and mental loads such as long hours of overtime work and continuous work without holidays, it is said to be killed by mental and physical fatigue. > Medical and Sickness stocks かろうし 漢字


> example product Japanese says “I Den Shi”. the functional and physical unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring. genes are pieces of dna, and most genes contain the information for making a specific protein. いでんし 漢字 遺伝子


California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. California is bordered by Oregon to the north, Nevada to the east, Arizona to the southeast, and the Mexican State of Baja California to the south. Please check it out! > More USA spot カリフォルニア 漢字 USA

wanted criminal

Request arrests of other criminals in other districts or nationwide for arrest of criminals with arrest warrants.Japanese says “Shi-mei-te-hai”. しめいてはい 漢字

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