golf in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Golf is an outdoor ball game in which a club hits a hard ball the size of a ping-pong ball and competes to get it into a target hole with a diameter of 10.8 cm in the fewest number of strokes. However, the size of the ball is about the same as a ping-pong … Read More

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dodgeball in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A kind of ball game. Two teams of the same number of players are divided into courts (square or circular) with a line drawn in the middle and enter each other and hit each other with balls (about 20 to 30 cm in diameter). If a player is hit by a ball or fails … Read More

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bowling in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

One of the sports competitions. The ball is rolled toward 10 pins standing on the edge of a wooden floor called a lane, and the number of defeated pins competes for points. Origin and history Simple play like rolling stones seems to have been done for a very long time. In Roman times, bowling … Read More

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baseball in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A competition in which two teams of nine people alternately attack and defend using equipment such as balls, bats, and gloves, and compete for the total score in the normal nine innings (one point when turning four bases). It has spread to the United States, Japan and other East Asian countries, Cuba and other … Read More

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beach volleyball in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Ball game derived from volleyball. Divided into two pairs by two people, and performed on the court set up on the sandy beach. The rules are similar to a six-player volleyball, but the ball is slightly softer.

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basketball in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A ball game in which two teams of five each throw the ball into the opponent’s basket in the court and compete for points. Also, the ball used for this competition. It’s calls “Ro kyu” in Japanese. The first letter means basket.

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football in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A game in which a leather ball is kicked into the goal and scored. It is named after the interpretation of being a kind of Kemari, a traditional Japanese game. Japan call “Ke mari”.

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volleyball by vertical in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

In the old days was Japan called HaiKyu. a game in which two teams hit an inflated ball over a high net using their hands.

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billiards in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

An indoor game in which players compete for points by hitting a ball with a long stick called a cue on a rectangular table with Rasha. There are various theories about its origin, such as Spain, England, China, France, and Italy. The modern billiards have been established since the 19th century, due to technological … Read More

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Tennis in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A game in which the center of a flat ground of a certain size is partitioned by the net, and the ball is played by racquet from both sides. The original name is loan tennis. It is also called hard tennis in Japan. Japanese says “Tei kyu”.

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Table tennis in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

One of indoor competitions. On a desk with a mesh in the center, meet celluloid globules together. Ping Pong. High sports competitive sports which are also adopted in the Olympic official competition. Japanese says “Ta kkyu”.

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