A kind of ball game. Two teams of the same number of players are divided into courts (square or circular) with a line drawn in the middle and enter each other and hit each other with balls (about 20 to 30 cm in diameter). If a player is hit by a ball or fails … Read More

One of the sports competitions. The ball is rolled toward 10 pins standing on the edge of a wooden floor called a lane, and the number of defeated pins competes for points. Origin and history Simple play like rolling stones seems to have been done for a very long time. In Roman times, bowling … Read More

An indoor game in which players compete for points by hitting a ball with a long stick called a cue on a rectangular table with Rasha. There are various theories about its origin, such as Spain, England, China, France, and Italy. The modern billiards have been established since the 19th century, due to technological … Read More