monkey in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A generic name for all mammals in the order Primates, excluding the hominids. In zoology, it is the generic term for all primates. They are the second most advanced animals after humans, and many of them are highly intelligent with a well-developed cerebrum, vision (including color vision), and hearing. They have a bare face, … Read More

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honour in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

To feel honored when someone praises you. get a good reputation. Praise. to congratulate. An air-cooled engine for aircraft manufactured by Nakajima Aircraft and delivered to the Army and Navy during the Pacific War. It was developed as a 2000 horsepower class engine based on the Sakae engine installed in the Zero and Hayabusa, … Read More

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battle in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Fight with a weapon. 2. competition. It’s about to win or lose. It is a Kanji that old Japanese were using. With transliteration in Katakana that you can custom letter. Japanese says Ikusa.

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silver in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

It belongs to the 11th group of the periodic table, and its simple substance is a bluish-white metal with a beautiful luster, and is lined up with gold as a precious metal. Silver is a metal that has been known for a long time, as the scene of trading in silver coins appears in … Read More

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dragon in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. any of several small tropical Asian lizards capable of gliding by spreading winglike membranes on each side of the body. 2. a creature of Teutonic mythology. This calls Ryu in Japanese.

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soft-shelled turtle in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A type of turtle that lives in rivers, lakes, and swamps. It inhabits rivers throughout Japan, except Hokkaido, the Korean Peninsula, China, and the eastern Indochina Peninsula. It has a soft, flat shell about 20-40cm in length. The edible history is old, and it is said that there was even a government office that … Read More

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white color in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. The name of the color. A color that can be felt when all rays of the sun are reflected. Snowy color. 2. There is nothing written in it. Also, nothing printed on it. Blank. 3. It is recognized that there is no crime fact. Also that person. innocence. Not guilty. Japan call “Shiro” … Read More

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Red color in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Fresh bloody color with one of the three primary colors. In addition, it is a generic term such as crimson, amber, tea, pink color belonging to the lineage. 2. Proofreading and correction letters and symbols. 3. Communism. Red as a symbol of communism. 4. There is no harm. Japan call “Aka”.

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strong in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Be strong. Also, something strong. 2. For nouns representing quantities, etc., it represents that the numbers are rounded off. Japanese says “Kyo”, “Tsuyo”.

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Sushi one character in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Fish seasoned with vinegar and salt mixed with fish meat and vegetables. Also, vinegared rice is served with fish and shellfish meat and other ingredients. There are many varieties.

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happiness in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. auspicious. 2. Great. Admirable. 3. compliment. It will be noted in the celebration. Japan call “Hiro”, “Yoshi”, “Yoshimi”, “Yomishi”.

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Crocodile in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

The crocodile is a reptile living in the waterfront. It is a generic name for reptiles that are carnivorous and adapted to underwater life. Also, crocodile meat is surprisingly light and delicious. In addition, in some areas of Hiroshima Prefecture, shark are called “crocodile”. Japanese says “Wani” as a Kanji character.

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Zen in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Brought from China around the 7th century, Zen originally referred to the teachings and practices of the Zen sect, a branch of Buddhism that developed in Japan, but is known today as a philosophy related to meditation and mindfulness. History of Zen Zen is a term that refers to the teachings and philosophy of … Read More

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kill in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Deprive of life. 2. murder. Also, murder cases. Japanese says “Satsu”, “Sai”, “Setsu”.

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comfort in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. It is mentally and physically full and comfortable. Pleasant. It reads “raku.” 2. free from stress or conducive to mental ease. It reads “raku.” 3. Easy. Or, to be rich in livelihood. Also, the state of being. It reads “raku.” 4. A musical instrument that plays a musical instrument. Music and music used … Read More

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osmund in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

any fern of the genus Osmund: large ferns with creeping rhizomes. Eats shoots in Japan. One of the typical wild plants that makes you feel spring. It grows naturally in the mountains of Japan, and the young shoots picked in early spring are edible. In general, dried Osmund, which is a dried boiled product, … Read More

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weasel in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. small carnivorous mammal with short legs and elongated body and neck. 2. a person who is regarded as treacherous or sneaky. 3. Sasuke’s old brother and Akatsuki member on Naruto (Japanese Manga). Japanese says “Itachi”.

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Chinese dragon in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1.A legendary creature, usually depicted as long and snake-like, with many claws, common in several East Asian cultures. 2.A large snake-like monster with the eyes of a hare, the horns of a stag, and the claws of a tiger; known for its benevolent behavior in ancient Oriental mythology. Also, the nickname for China in … Read More

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poison in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

any substance that causes injury or illness or death of a living organism. Japanese says Doku.

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indigo in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Since ancient times, leaves and stems have been used as indigo dyes, and seeds have been used in Chinese medicine for antipyretic and detoxifying. It was already transmitted to Japan through China during the Asuka period. Currently cultivated in Tokushima, Hiroshima, etc. 2. A kind of dyeing material made from indigo leaves. Dark … Read More

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calendar in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

a tabular array of the days (usually for one year). Japan calls koyomi, Reki.

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Shit in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

stool,dung,dropping,droppings,feces, excrement. a stupid foolish person. obscene terms for feces. fecal matter of animals. Japanese says Kuso, Fun, Baba.

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pig in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

It is a domesticated wild boar and is thought to have already been domesticated in Mesopotamia around 4000 BC. There are more than 300 major breeds of pigs such as Yorkshire, Berkshire and Landrace. Larger varieties weigh nearly 400 kg. This kanji is not a common kanji. Japan calls Buta.

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congratulations in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

the act of acknowledging that someone has an occasion for celebration. representing longevity Kanji. Japanese says Kotobuki or Ju.

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Sakura in Kanji (cherry blossoms) - Zangyo-Ninja

1. a light shade of red. name of color in Japan. 2. any of numerous trees and shrubs producing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard stone. cherry, cherry tree.

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blue green in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Blue-green close to green. 2. Originally it refers to a beautiful shiny blue stone. Japanese calls Ao, Ai, Midori, Heki or Peki.

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eagle in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Any of various large keen-sighted diurnal birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight. 2. An emblem representing power. 3. A former gold coin in the United States worth 10 dollars. 4. A score of two strokes under par on a hole Japanese says “washi”

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treasure in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

This character in Chinese. There is no character in Japanese. It’s means Treasure (Takara in Japanse) on the boat, like a Takarabune.

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