Japanese in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A language spoken by 120 million inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago. It is used almost as a single language in Japan. The Japanese vocabulary is divided into three types: Japanese, Chinese, and loanwords. The notation is very complicated, and sometimes Chinese characters, hiragana, katakana, etc. are mixed. The dialects differ significantly in terms of … Read More

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Kendo in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A type of martial arts where competitors wearing armor face each other and compete for victory or defeat by hitting the part specified by bamboo swords. In the Edo period, it became a samurai table art, and further merged with Bushido to have a spiritual content, but entered the Meiji period and declined with … Read More

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Sumo in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A wrestling in which two players try on the ground and win the opponent if they defeat or move out of the ground. Japan has always been held in Japan and is considered a national sport. Or Sumo wrestler’s abbreviation.

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Hanarokusho color in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Japanese calls Hana-Roku-Sho. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. HEX #00a381 R:0 G:163 B:129, C:100% M:0% Y:21% K:36%

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Tempura in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

It is a Japanese dish in which ingredients such as seafood and vegetables are wrapped in a garment mainly made of wheat flour and fried in oil. Tempura is a fast food imported from Nanban (Westerner) Tokugawa Ieyasu is known to have been very careful about his health, and it can be said that … Read More

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indigo in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Since ancient times, leaves and stems have been used as indigo dyes, and seeds have been used in Chinese medicine for antipyretic and detoxifying. It was already transmitted to Japan through China during the Asuka period. Currently cultivated in Tokushima, Hiroshima, etc. 2. A kind of dyeing material made from indigo leaves. Dark … Read More

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Natto in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

a food called fermented soybeans. Natto is sticky and it have long threads trailing from them. This food that is regarded as being good for health, but the Japanese people can also be divided into likes and dislikes.

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Tofu in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Soymilk is made by crushing soybeans soaked in water and simmering them with a cloth to make soymilk, and then adding bittern to the bittern to harden it. One of the typical Japanese foods, it is a soft white food made by solidifying soybean protein. Depending on the manufacturing method, it can be divided … Read More

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Karate vertically in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja
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Ramen by horizontally in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Ramen is a dish born from the influx of Chinese noodle cuisine into Japan and its fusion with Japanese food culture. By combining the five elements of noodles, broth, sauce, ingredients, and fat/oil, an infinite number of recipes can be created, and many variations exist in terms of taste and style, including Soy sauce … Read More

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Sukiyaki in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Sukiyaki history One of the hot pot dishes. Beef is mainly used, but there are also chicken plows that use chicken, pork and other meats and fish and shellfish. There is no theory that the meaning of sukiyaki is that plow was used instead of a pot, but the use of used plow is … Read More

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Ramen in kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A food that is similar to Chinese noodle dishes but has been transformed uniquely in Japan. Many shops offering tonkotsu ramen (noodle with a thick broth made from boiling pork bones) including Hakata ramen shops prepare takanazuke stir-fried in oil with red pepper to top ramen with.

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