Valerie by name

name translated into kanji for Valerie. Your (her/his) name became a Japanese Kanji. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?

survival of the fittest

A weak one is a sacrifice of a strong one. The one with strong power wins and prospers. Japanese says “Jaku Niku Kyo Shoku”. > profound knowledge for life stocks じゃくにくきょうしょく 漢字 四字熟語

Australia four letters

The Commonwealth of Australia is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It is the world’s sixth-largest country by total area. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north; the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the north-east; … Read More


ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food. tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties Japanese says Tomorokoshi and Tokibi. > vegetables stock とうもろこし コーン 玉蜀黍

big cock, huge cock

big penis, big dick. Japanese calls Kyo-Kon. > medical & body stocks きょこん でかちん 漢字

the internal organs

1.the locus of feelings and intuitions. 2.sink deep into one’s heart. > internal organs stocks ごぞうろっぷ 漢字 筆文字


Tanaka is the 4th most common Japanese surname. The etymology is for rice fields and cultivation. It is said that when a small village was formed, “Tanaka” was created as a place name. It is believed that the powers who managed and occupied the rice fields on all sides called themselves “Tanaka” and the … Read More

Night Hawk

1. mainly nocturnal North American goatsucker. 2. a person who likes to be active late at night. Japanese says “yo taka” > birds stock


A general term for small species of birds belonging to the order Accipitriformes. Large species are called eagles, but there is no strict distinction. The wings and tail are generally narrower and the tips of the wings are sharper than the eagle. The beak bends sharply and has large claws on the toes. A … Read More


The capital of Great Britain and the United Kingdom of Northern Ireland (United Kingdom). Located in southeastern England, it straddles both banks of the lower Thames. There are banks and exchanges in the central city, which is a major center of the world economy. Surrounding this, Inner London, which consists of the downtown West … Read More


a feeling of thoughtful sadness. a feeling of melancholy apprehension. a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity. a state of melancholy depression. Japanese calls Utsu. > mental feels stock うつ 漢字


République de Madagascar An island country in the Indian Ocean 392 kilometers east of the southeastern part of the African continent across the Mozambique Channel. République de Madagascar, officially known as the Republic of Madagascar. It consists of Madagascar, the fourth largest island in the world, and a small coastal island. Nature / Chorography … Read More


About the fairy A supernatural being who lives in a world close to the human world and can be transformed. Its beauty, size, good and evil, etc. vary greatly depending on the region and time, but in general, it has a very human-like appearance and nature, often lacks conscience and moderation, is capricious, and … Read More

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