[Kanji] Honda T-Shirts

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1. A Japanese famous football player. 2. A Japanese car manufactuing company. [Kanji] Honda T-Shirts

[Family Crests] Reverse sides oxalis corniculata Round sticker

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[Family Crests] Reverse sides oxalis corniculata Round sticker Reverse sides oxalis corniculata for Kamon. Nature plants symbol and graphics at old age for Japanese family. note. Oxalis leaves (Katabami) are heart-shaped. It has strong fertility and was favored by public and samurai families for its auspiciousness.

[Kanji] the Devil, Satan Hoodie

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[Kanji] the Devil, Satan Hoodie A monster that interferes with Buddhist training. Anthropomorphic expression of evil and injustice. A monster that invites people to evil. Japanese says “Aku Ma”.

[Kanji] Mt.Fuji Hoodie

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[Kanji] Mt.Fuji Hoodie Mount Fuji. A stratovolcano, mainly basalt, that straddles both Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures. It used to be the main peak of the Fuji volcanic belt, but it has been regarded as a symbol of Japan since ancient times because of its highest altitude (3776 meters) and beautiful appearance. An active volcano … Read More

[Family Crests] 3 oak leaves inside a circle Sticker

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[Family Crests] 3 oak leaves inside a circle Sticker 3 oak leaves inside a circle for Kamon. Nature plants symbol and graphics at old age for Japanese family. note. Kashiwa (ork leaf) is a deciduous tree of the family Fagaceae, and its large and thick leaves were used in ancient times for tableware for … Read More

[Kanji] brushed UFO T-Shirt

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Almost synonymous with “flying saucer”. Incidents such as unexplained mysterious flying objects being witnessed or photographed as products of natural phenomena and earth civilization have been reported in various parts of the world including the United States. There is a debate over the actual situation. Japanese says “Mi-Kaku-Nin Hi-Ko-Bu-Tai”. Abbreviation for unidentified flying object. … Read More

[Family Crests] 3 oak leaves inside a circle Round sticker

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3 oak leaves inside a circle for Kamon. Nature plants symbol and graphics at old age for Japanese family. note. Kashiwa (ork leaf) is a deciduous tree of the family Fagaceae, and its large and thick leaves were used in ancient times for tableware for serving food, and were considered to be “sacred trees.” … Read More

[Kanji] Inagaki T-Shirts

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it’s popular first name in Japan. [Kanji] Inagaki T-Shirts

[Kanji] evil spirits residing in forests, mountain Hoodie

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[Kanji] evil spirits residing in forests, mountain Hoodie A general term for monsters that are harmful to humans. Also, the parable of those who do evil for their own desires. Japanese says “Chi Mi Mou Ryo”.

[Kanji] Are you Jane? T-Shirt

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[Kanji] Are you Jane? T-Shirt translated name in kanji for Jane. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning.

[Kanji] evil spirits residing in forests, mountain T-Shirt

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A general term for monsters that are harmful to humans. Also, the parable of those who do evil for their own desires. Japanese says “Chi Mi Mou Ryou”. [Kanji] evil spirits residing in forests, mountain T-Shirt

[Kanji] Pope T-Shirt

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[Kanji] Pope T-Shirt Generally refers to the Pope, the Roman bishop of the Catholic Church and the spiritual leader of Catholics around the world. Head of State of Vatican City. Japanese says “Kyo-Ko”.

[Kanji] Too bad T-Shirts

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It means the worst thing that can happen. It is used as a noun “the worst” or as an adjective “the worst” in a variety of situations. Synonyms include “the worst” and “the worst of the worst. Worst” means, literally, “the worst. The word “worst” is used to describe a situation that is very … Read More

[Kanji] Night Hawk Long Sleeve T-Shirt

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The total length is about 29 cm. It has a fine brownish pattern throughout and has a small beak, but its mouth is large when opened and has long bristles around it. A word mainly used in Edo as another name for a town. Since the streets at that time appeared after dusk, it … Read More

[Kanji] trauma T-Shirt

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An event that has a strong impact on a person’s life or existence is called a traumatic stressor, and that experience is called a traumatic experience. Trauma is not just stress, it is used to mean that stressful events that happened in the past have various effects on later life. Japanese says “Sei-Shin-Teki-Gai-Sho”. [Kanji] … Read More

[Kanji] trauma Hoodie

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[Kanji] trauma Hoodie An event that has a strong impact on a person’s life or existence is called a traumatic stressor, and that experience is called a traumatic experience. Trauma is not just stress, it is used to mean that stressful events that happened in the past have various effects on later life. Japanese … Read More

ocean sunfish

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1.among the largest bony fish. 2.the lean flesh of any of numerous American perch-like fishes of the family Centrarchidae. Japanese calls “Manbou”. > fishes in Japanese stock 漢字 翻車魚 まんぼう


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warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female. Japanese says “Ho Nyu Rui”. > mammals Kanji Stocks 漢字 哺乳類 ほにゅうるい


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It includes the most evolved humans and apes in the animal kingdom, but also primitive primitive apes, which in itself is one of the major characteristics of primates. Japanese calls Rei-Cho-Rui. > mammals kanji stocks 漢字 霊長類 れいちょうるい


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predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body. Japan calls Kumo. Also same pronunciation Cloud in Japanese. > bugs stocks 漢字 蜘蛛 くも

Superhuman feat, Divine work

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1. Events about God. Divine affairs. 2. God’s work. Also, such superhuman skills and acts. Japanese says Kami-waza, Kamu-waza. > example stuff かみわざ かむわざ 漢字

[Family Crests] Plants and Vegetables Coffee Mug

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It is a Japanese coat of arms used to identify individuals and families. The roots of the family crest are derived from the crest as a “mark” that the public family (nobles) originally attached to their clothes and belongings during the Heian period. [Family Crests] Plants and Vegetables Coffee Mug

[Kanji] intense heat Hoodie

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Extreme heat. It is said that the degree of heat is terrible. Japanese says “Geki sho”. [Kanji] intense heat Hoodie


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Is a popular name for the Japanese common toad. They appear in the shade during the day and appear in the evening to catch insects and helminths with their tongues sticking out, but because they are quick, they seem to be naturally drawn into their mouths. It is used as a figurine as an … Read More

[Kanji] intense heat long sleeves T-Shirt

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Extreme heat. It is said that the degree of heat is terrible. Japanese says “Geki sho”. [Kanji] intense heat long sleeves T-Shirt

Gray color

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Japanese says “Hai”. The powder that remains after burning various substances. Usually it combines “Iro”, and they says “Hai-Iro”. Sometimes it used this word when it’s not clear in black and white. > colors stock はい グレー 漢字

[Kanji] intense heat T-Shirt

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[Kanji] intense heat T-Shirt Extreme heat. It is said that the degree of heat is terrible. Japanese says “Geki sho”.

[Family Crests] Plants and Vegetables Mug

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[Family Crests] Plants and Vegetables Mug It is a Japanese coat of arms used to identify individuals and families. The roots of the family crest are derived from the crest as a “mark” that the public family (nobles) originally attached to their clothes and belongings during the Heian period.

colossus leader VIP

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An influential person who is one of the important restraints. A central figure who plays an important role in that direction. A person who plays an important role in a certain society / field. Japanese says Ju-chin. > VIP Kanji stocks じゅうちん 漢字


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a port and tourist center in southwestern Italy. Please check it out! > example stuff ナポリ 漢字 イタリア都市

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