
name translated into kanji for Feris. Your (her/his) name became a Japanese Kanji. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?

Grace by name

name translated into kanji for Grace. Your (her/his) name became a Japanese Kanji. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


translated name into kanji for Gracy. Your (her/his) name became a Japanese Kanji. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


translated name into kanji for Josef. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?

Rin by name

Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


translated name into kanji for Rosa. Your (her/his) name became a Japanese Kanji. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


Name Sindy translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?

Elizabeth by name

Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?

Izabella by name

Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your(his/her) name in Kanji?


Name Ashley translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > What are your (his/her) name in kanji?


Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. > what are your(his/her) name?


Ginza is a district of Chuo, Tokyo, located south of Yaesu and Kyobashi, west of Tsukiji, east of Yurakucho and Uchisaiwaicho, and north of Shinbashi. It is known as an upscale area of Tokyo with numerous department stores, boutiques, restaurants and coffeehouses. Ginza is recognized as one of the most luxurious shopping districts in … Read More

highly regrettable

The most disappointing thing. Or regrettable thing. Japanese calls I-Kan-Sen-Ban. > Four-character idiom for negative stocks 遺憾千万 いかんせんばん 四字熟語


1.not clearly understood or expressed. 2.marked by difficulty of style or expression. 3.not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished. 4.lacking clarity or distinctness. 5.having no intrinsic or objective meaning. Japanese calls Ai-Mai-Mo-Ko. > 4 character idiom stocks あいまいもこ 曖昧模糊

pain of separation from loved ones

The pain of breaking up with loved ones such as parents and children, siblings, and couples. There is a pain in this world to part with a loved one, and one day he is destined to part with the one he meets. It refers to the fragility and fragility of this world. Japanese calls … Read More

prosperity and decline

ups and downs of life, vicissitudes of fortune. rise and fall. To prosper or decline. It shows how the rise and fall alternate and come at a dizzying pace. Japanese calls Ei-Ko-Sei-Sui. Note: “Eiko” originally means that vegetation grows and withers. An expression that emphasizes words with similar meanings, such as “Eiko” and “Seisui”. … Read More

the wise readily adapt

the wise are quick to acknowledge their mistakes and correct them. the wise make no scruple in suddenly changing their demeanor. Japanese calls Kun-Shi-Hyou-Hen. > four characters idiom kanji stocks くんしひょうへん 君子豹変


unanimously, with one voice, with one consent, in a chorus. Japanese calls I-Ku-Dou-On. > Four character idiom Stocks 異口同音 いくどうおん 四字熟語漢字

Abusive language

Japanese calls A-Ko-Z-Gon. To speak ill of this or that to one’s heart’s content. > four character idiom stocks as negative あっこうぞうごん 悪口雑言

Carrying knowledge into new fields

developing new ideas based on study of the past, learning from the past. Study the old things and discover new knowledge and reason from them. Japanese calls On-Ko-Chi-Shin. > profound knowledge stocks おんこちしん 漢字 四字熟語 温故知新

agonizing cries

A very messy state where people are suffering and crying. Annoying hell and screaming hell in Buddhism. Both are one of the eight great hells. It may also refer to the hell of annoyance. Japanese calls A-Bi-Kyo-Kan. > 4characters idiom as negative stock あびきょうかん 漢字 阿鼻叫喚


An indomitable spirit showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. Japanese calls Fu-To-Fu-Kutsu. > Mental stocks 不撓不屈

bad news traveling fast

Bad reputations and rumors are that even if it’s a thousand miles away, it’s instantly known. “悪事” are bad deeds, and “千里” means far away and is a wide world. Japanese calls Aku-Ji-Sen-Ri. > negative 4 char idiom stocks 悪事千里

fight desperately

Japanese calls Aku-Sen-Ku-To. hard fighting, hard struggle, fighting against heavy odds. Willing to fight a very painful battle against a strong opponent. In turn, make constant efforts while suffering in difficult situations. > fout characters idiom stocks あくせんくとう 漢字 四字熟語


Japanese calls Kyo-Shin-Tan-Kai. with an open and calm mindwith no preconceived notionswithout reserve. Feeling refreshed without any stubbornness in my heart. > negative 4 characters idioms stock きょしんたんかい 四字熟語 漢字

gathering dark clouds

The dark clouds drift low. In turn, the situation where dangerous and disturbing things are likely to occur continues. In addition, it continues to be unrelenting. Japanese calls An-Un-Tei-Mei. > Negative four-character idiom stock 暗雲低迷 あんうんていめい 四字熟語

gentle face and a nice word

A Buddhist term that refers to a gentle look and a gentle and compassionate speech. When you have a hard time, when you have something you don’t like, or when you want to complain, that’s when you first treat yourself with a smile and gentle words. Japanese calls Wa-Gen-Ai-Go. > four characters idiom stocks … Read More

having presence of mind

It seems to be calm without panicking no matter what happens, without losing sight of one’s personality. Japanese calls Tai-Zen-Ji-Jaku. self-possessed, imperturbable, calm and self-possessed. > personality kanji stocks たいぜんじじゃく 漢字

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