Samurai in Japanese Katakana. The verb “Saburafu”, which means to refrain from your aides, was turned into a noun, and was also called “Saburai”. The word “Samurai” can be seen in “Nihon Shoki”, but in the Heian period, there were samurai and samurai chiefs who served the Empress and Chugū, and the prince and … Read More
not rated $0.00 – $1,000.00 Select license1. Serve near the side. Be on the side of your superiors. 2. After the Heian period, a family member (Kenin) who served the prince, customs, lord, temple, company, and institute and was in charge of housework. 3. Abbreviation for “Samurai-dokoro”. 4. A place where the samurai banqueted in the south of Seiryoden. 5. … Read More
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