Navy blue color in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A dark blue color that points to a slightly purplish dark blue, and is considered to be the deepest in the amber system. The kendo, the archery, and so on are hail, and the suits of the office workers are also scarce. Japan call “Kon”.

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Mizuasagi in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A pale blue color with a slight purple color. Japanese calls Mizu-Asa-Gi as Japanese colors name. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. HEX: #80aba9 RGB: R:128 G:171 B:169,CMYK C:25% M:0% Y:1% K:33%

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Hanarokusho color in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Japanese calls Hana-Roku-Sho. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. HEX #00a381 R:0 G:163 B:129, C:100% M:0% Y:21% K:36%

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gray in kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black. 2. intermediate in character or position. 3. the SI unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation. 4. a ash. Japanese says Hai.

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blue in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

What’s mean Blue Blue has the impression of being cold and cool, and has meanings such as calmness and sadness. Although it has a negative meaning, it is a color that gives a positive impression, such as a clear appearance, vastness, sincerity, and freedom. It has the effect of calming the mind and increasing … Read More

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Crimson color in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

a deep and vivid red color. It’s means lipstick in Japan, sometimes. Japanese says Beni.

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green in kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

This is the color between blue and yellow in the color spectrum. This is any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables. It’s an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course. Japanese says Midori.

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