Description for “crazy in Kanji”
Read as Kichigai, this reading has two meanings.
1. To be in an unusual state of mind, to speak or act in a manner that is not normal. To lose one’s mind.
2. To be abnormally absorbed in one thing. Also, the person. Mania.
This is a coined kanji character
It reads “Kichigai,” originally written in kanji and hiragana as “気違い, 気狂い”. However, this word is considered a banned term in Japan and is treated as slang not to be used publicly. So, although it is sometimes seen on the Internet, it is rarely seen, and like “fuck,” it is not spoken on a daily basis.
Therefore, we dare to combine old and difficult kanji characters to make this coined word even more difficult to understand.
These kanji are complex characters, but their structure is simple
The first character is a kanji meaning strange or mysterious, while the second and third characters are a combination of difficult kanji meaning idiot or stupid (see here on this site). Therefore, I guess that only a few out of 100 Japanese can read it.