Asakusa by vertical

> stocks in Tokyo spot The eastern part of Taito-ku, Tokyo. Old ward name. Generally refers to Sensoji Temple and its surrounding parks and downtown areas. The origin of the place name is that it is a shallow grassy land in the east, as opposed to the deep grass in Musashino in the west. … Read More


Please check it out!  > example stuff Japanese says “Toumorokoshi”. とうもろこし コーン 漢字


Gotemba (Gotenba) is a place name in the northeastern part of Shizuoka prefecture. It is located at the southeastern foot of Mt. Fuji. One of the entrances to Mt. Fuji, it is also the entrance to the Nagao Pass that crosses Hakone, and is a base for sightseeing in Fuji Hakone. The outlet store … Read More

percussion hammer, firing hammer

the part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulled. One of the rifle firing devices. The part that bangs the detonator to ignite the bullet propellant. Japanese calls Geki-tetsu. > include Metal stocks 撃鉄 げきてつ 漢字 筆文字


please check it out! > example products US military base in Futenma, has a transfer problem. 沖縄 ふてんま 漢字

Mashu lake

please check it out! > example products Lake Mash? is a endorheic crater lake formed in the caldera of a potentially active volcano. It is located in Akan National Park on the island of Hokkaid?, Japan. The lake has been called the clearest lake in the world. 北海道 マシュウコ 漢字

symbolical of longevity

> example products As the Crane one thousand years, the Tortoise ten thousand years Japanese calls Tsuru-Kame. Symbols of longevity. 鶴亀 つるかめ

Make big business

Good business and great profits. The business is prosperous. It is also a prayer for the prosperity of business. Japanese calls “Sho bai han jo”. > four character idiom in Kanji stock


Confectionery and beverages made from cocoa beans. The origin of the word is that the indigenous people of Mexico called chocolate rattle (meaning bitter water) a drink made by crushing cocoa beans and making it muddy. The main ingredient of chocolate is cocoa beans, which are roasted and ground into a paste, which is … Read More


1. A legendary creature, usually depicted as long and snake-like, with many claws, common in several East Asian cultures. 2. A large snake-like monster with the eyes of a hare, the horns of a stag, and the claws of a tiger, known for its benevolent behavior in ancient Oriental mythology. Also, the nickname for … Read More


It is called vin in French, Wein in German, vino in Italian, vino in Spanish, and vinho in Portuguese, all from the Latin vinum (fermented grapes). Therefore, wine in a narrow sense is a liquor made by fermenting grape juice. Japanese says “Bu do Shu”. > beverage stocks 葡萄酒 ワイン 漢字


It’s common. It is common to all. Cosmic. Worldwide. transliterated word written in katakana. > stocks about world

jelly-like confection made from bracken starch

A soft and smooth Japanese sweet made from bracken starch. It is common to sprinkle kinako, matcha powder, and black honey on it. Bracken starch is starch obtained from the rhizome of bracken, but since it is expensive, it is often mixed with starch such as potato, tapioca, and kudzu. Japanese says “warabi-Mochi”. > … Read More


A skull that has become whitish when exposed to wind and rain. Of the human bones found in prehistoric sites, the skull and some of it are larger than the other bones, so the head or skull had a special role in human culture from early on. It is inferred. There is a theory … Read More

Turban shell

Japanese says “Sa-Za-E”. A snail that lives on the rocks on the bottom of the open sea. The shells are thick, fist-like, and often have thorn-like protrusions. Meat is used for food and shells are used for shellwork. > seafood stock 漢字 サザエ 拳螺


fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey. Japanese calls An-Ko. > fish stocks アンコウ 難読漢字

[Kanji] Osaka Hoody

Located at the mouth of the Yodo River on Osaka Bay, Osaka is the third largest city by population after Tokyo (special wards) and Yokohama. [Kanji] Osaka Hoody

ocean sunfish

1.among the largest bony fish. 2.the lean flesh of any of numerous American perch-like fishes of the family Centrarchidae. Japanese calls “Manbou”. > fishes in Japanese stock 漢字 翻車魚 まんぼう


warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female. Japanese says “Ho Nyu Rui”. > mammals Kanji Stocks 漢字 哺乳類 ほにゅうるい


It includes the most evolved humans and apes in the animal kingdom, but also primitive primitive apes, which in itself is one of the major characteristics of primates. Japanese calls Rei-Cho-Rui. > mammals kanji stocks 漢字 霊長類 れいちょうるい


predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body. Japan calls Kumo. Also same pronunciation Cloud in Japanese. > bugs stocks 漢字 蜘蛛 くも

Superhuman feat, Divine work

1. Events about God. Divine affairs. 2. God’s work. Also, such superhuman skills and acts. Japanese says Kami-waza, Kamu-waza. > example stuff かみわざ かむわざ 漢字


Is a popular name for the Japanese common toad. They appear in the shade during the day and appear in the evening to catch insects and helminths with their tongues sticking out, but because they are quick, they seem to be naturally drawn into their mouths. It is used as a figurine as an … Read More

Gray color

Japanese says “Hai”. The powder that remains after burning various substances. Usually it combines “Iro”, and they says “Hai-Iro”. Sometimes it used this word when it’s not clear in black and white. > colors stock はい グレー 漢字

colossus leader VIP

An influential person who is one of the important restraints. A central figure who plays an important role in that direction. A person who plays an important role in a certain society / field. Japanese says Ju-chin. > VIP Kanji stocks じゅうちん 漢字


a port and tourist center in southwestern Italy. Please check it out! > example stuff ナポリ 漢字 イタリア都市

Love by thinly

Japanese calls Ai. 1. sexual activities between two people. 2. any object of warm affection or devotion. 3. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction. 4. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection. 5. a beloved person. > Love in Japanese stock ラブ あい 漢字


It means that the living function has been irreversibly lost. The dormant state found in lower organisms and plant seeds is not death. Usually, certain cessation of physiological function or morphological change that occurs at the time of death of an individual is regarded as a sign of death. Japanese says “Shi”. > about … Read More


As a result of heavy physical and mental loads such as long hours of overtime work and continuous work without holidays, it is said to be killed by mental and physical fatigue. > Medical and Sickness stocks かろうし 漢字


> example product Japanese says “I Den Shi”. the functional and physical unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring. genes are pieces of dna, and most genes contain the information for making a specific protein. いでんし 漢字 遺伝子

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