Home » Animal » Sperm whale in Kanji

Sperm whale in Kanji



Description for "Sperm whale in Kanji"

The body length is about 18 m or more for males and about 12 m or more for females. Maximum weight is about 57t. Birth length is 3.5-4.5m. Body color is brown or brownish gray or bluish gray throughout the body, with white spots centered on the snout and navel. It mainly preys on deep-sea squids and octopuses, but also preys on large benthic fish such as cod. There is a waxy substance called ambergris in the intestine, which is prized as a fragrance. It is distributed from the tropics to the ice edge in both hemispheres and prefers deep waters. Mature large males are unevenly distributed in the high latitude polar regions. Japanese says Ma-Kko-Kujira.

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He loves Sushi and Sashimi. Having practiced calligraphy since childhood, his father was qualified as a teacher. Aokage(青景) comes from the blue landscape like the sea, the clear sky. And the blue shadow. Shadow means a ninja.

For example Sperm whale in Kanji designed by Aokage