charms and is said to be auspicious along with the crane turtle. Since all three can withstand the cold, they are called Three Friends of Winter and are used for ceremonies as congratulations. A word used in place of each grade when goods and seats are divided into three grades. Pine, bamboo, and plum … Read More

One of the sports competitions. The ball is rolled toward 10 pins standing on the edge of a wooden floor called a lane, and the number of defeated pins competes for points. Origin and history Simple play like rolling stones seems to have been done for a very long time. In Roman times, bowling … Read More

1. The front and back of an object. The outside and inside of the matter. Also, it must be in a front-to-back relationship. Positions and positions conflict with each other. 2. There is a difference between the outside and the inside. The difference between what you say and do in public and what you … Read More

Nowadays, it is used in a negative way, saying, “A person who has a good point will immediately change his attitude and abandon his principles and ideas.” However, originally, it is a positive four-character idiom that “a good person immediately corrects his mistakes and quickly goes for the better.” Japanese calls Kun-shi-hyo-hen.

Sasuke a character for a video game Ninja Master’s Sasuke Uchiha, a character in Naruto media Sarutobi Sasuke, a character in Japanese children’s stories. Sasuke or NinjaRed, one of several main characters in the Ninja Sentai Kakuranger television series.

1. Three stars. Also, something like that. 2. In terms of grade and rating, evaluate on a three-point scale from one star to three stars. Or such a rating system. 3. The highest evaluation in the evaluation system that evaluates in 3 stages. Japanese calls Mitsu-boshi

A language spoken by 120 million inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago. It is used almost as a single language in Japan. The Japanese vocabulary is divided into three types: Japanese, Chinese, and loanwords. The notation is very complicated, and sometimes Chinese characters, hiragana, katakana, etc. are mixed. The dialects differ significantly in terms of … Read More

A region along the coast of Hakata Bay in Fukuoka City, northwestern Fukuoka Prefecture. In a narrow sense, it was defined as the Ishido River in the east, the Naka River in the west, Hakata Bay in the north, and the Boshu Moat in the south. There are almost no remaining Boshu moat, and … Read More

A mineral made of extremely fine granular or fibrous quartz. It may also contain a mineral called moganite, which is polymorphic to quartz. There are various colors such as colorless, red, orange (daidai), green, yellow, and black, and there are various variant names. Some are used as decorative stones such as agate, carnelian, and … Read More