toad in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Generic name for frogs belonging to the amphibian class Anura order Toad family. Also called gama. The most widely distributed species in the world is the Bufo genus, with about 180 species worldwide, excluding Australia. They are generally large, with thick, dry skin. The head is large and has a pair of oval-shaped ear … Read More

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fairy in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A supernatural being that lives in a world that is closely related to the human world and can change shape. Their beauty and ugliness, size, good and bad, and other characteristics vary greatly depending on the region and era, but in general they have a very human-like appearance and character, often lacking in conscience … Read More

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At one swoop in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

To cast down a net once and catch many fish. In turn, to capture all the members of the crew in one fell swoop. Clearing up complex situations all at once. A four-letter idiom made from an old Chinese history book Japanese says “Ichi mo da jin”. “Ichimo Dajin” is said to be derived … Read More

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That refreshing and pleasant climate of fall in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

In autumn, the sky is clear and the weather is pleasant, which means that appetite increases and horses grow fatter. When a migratory high pressure system that grows on the continent gently covers the vicinity of Japan, dry and refreshing air spreads. The clear autumn sky is clear blue and the sky looks high. … Read More

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mandala in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Mandala, which is said to have originated in ancient India, is said to have spread to Central Asia, China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan, and there are various types. In Japan, it is often treated as a principal image in the form of a hanging scroll. There are many different ways of expression. Mandala … Read More

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amazon in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. In Greek mythology, a race of female warriors (plural Amazones) that lived along the Black Sea coast. They have intercourse with foreign men at certain times and give birth to children, but the male children are castrated or killed, and only the female children are raised. It is said that they are called … Read More

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Somen in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Thin dried noodles made from wheat flour. The original name was ‘Sakumen,’ but it seems that the character for ‘Saku’ was written with the character ‘Sakumen’ broken, and the erroneous spelling of ‘Somen’ became the name. Although it came from China, it is believed that it was in the Nara period. There are hand-stretched … Read More

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SUZUKI in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Suzuki is the second most common surname in Japan. Mr. Suzuki (Suzukishi) is one of the representative surnames in Japan. It is said to be the family name of a Shinto priest derived from the ear of rice that is enshrined at festivals and the Hontsubo bell of a shrine. This line originated from … Read More

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potato in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

In Japan, it is commonly called Jagaimo, and as you can see from this stock, it is also known as Bareisho, which is said to have come to be called because its shape resembles a bell worn on a horse. origin and propagation A perennial crop of the Solanaceae family native to the temperate … Read More

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Nagasaki in Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

Nagasaki as a place name Nagasaki City is a city located in the southwestern part of Nagasaki Prefecture. It is also the prefectural capital and largest city of Nagasaki Prefecture, and is designated as a core city. During the Edo period, when the country was isolated, it was a port town with Dejima, the … Read More

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honour in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

To feel honored when someone praises you. get a good reputation. Praise. to congratulate. An air-cooled engine for aircraft manufactured by Nakajima Aircraft and delivered to the Army and Navy during the Pacific War. It was developed as a 2000 horsepower class engine based on the Sakae engine installed in the Zero and Hayabusa, … Read More

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dodgeball in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A kind of ball game. Two teams of the same number of players are divided into courts (square or circular) with a line drawn in the middle and enter each other and hit each other with balls (about 20 to 30 cm in diameter). If a player is hit by a ball or fails … Read More

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Ichiban first in Kanji as old letter - Zangyo-Ninja

The meaning of the first element in the series that can be counted. Number one. The first or highest in order or sequence. The beginning of the order and the top of the order. It is also used to mean the most. Japanese said “Ichi ban” as bold style in kanji.

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brown bear in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Widely distributed from Europe to Siberia, across the Bering Sea to North America. In Europe, it is isolated only in a few places, such as the Pyrenees and the Italian peninsula. It is a huge bear, and its fur color ranges from tan to almost black. The shoulders are raised higher than the waist, … Read More

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New York in Kanji as 2 letters - Zangyo-Ninja

The New York city in Japanese Kanji letters. “紐約” is in Chinese Kanji. It is a formal Japanese Kanji character that is also in the dictionary. It’s a colloquial Chinese character, but it’s unclear why “紐(string)” and “育(growing up)” became New York.

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Ichiban first in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

The beginning of the order and the top of the order. It is also used to mean the most. The first or highest in order or sequence. The meaning of the first element in the series that can be counted. Number one. Japanese said “Ichi ban” as bold style in kanji.

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be in the same boat in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

In Buddhism, after death, he was born on the same lotus flower in Sukhavati Jodo. In turn, to act and fate together until the end, regardless of the good or bad of things and the good or bad of the result. In Japanese literature, it was used to fulfill love in the afterlife, especially … Read More

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free free free in Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

There is no price for goods or services. It’s Free written vertical in Japanese Katakana. Free written horizon in Japanese Kanji. Free written vertical in Japanese Hiragana. Hiragana and katakana are colloquial translations of Kanji, so the meaning may not be understood depending on what is written. Japanese called “tada” in Japanese katakana and … Read More

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Ryukyu Karate in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Kenpo from Ryukyu. It is based on three methods of thrusting, receiving, and kicking without holding a weapon. Originally said to have been introduced to China, it was researched and developed because the carrying of weapons was banned under the rule of Mr. Shimazu in the early modern period. Japanese calls “Tote”, “Todei”, “Todi” … Read More

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Access to famous landmark in Tokyo - Zangyo-Ninja

This work is a brush-style work of the lines (train and subway) to the famous landmarks of Tokyo. There are so many lines in Tokyo. The routes and transfer stations for going to the landmarks are listed. The file(vector ai file)is divided into layers by line, station name and station number for each layer. … Read More

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Sahara Desert in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

The world’s largest desert that stretches across the northern part of the African Continent. The name Sahara itself means “wilderness” in Arabic. It occupies about one-third of the total area of ​​the African Continent. Most of it is rocky desert except for some dunes, and it is rich in underground resources such as oil, … Read More

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