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Nakamura in Kanji



Description for "Nakamura in Kanji"

Rice cultivation was introduced to Japan during the Yayoi period.
After that, if rice cultivation developed and the number of rice fields increased, the number of villages increased in various places, and the central village was Nakamura.
Then, depending on the direction of the newly created village, place names such as Higashimura, Nishimura, Ichimura, Kitamura, Uemura, and Shimomura were created, and along with that, the surname also occurred.
In fact, there are nearly 700 places of residence called Nakamura nationwide, and there are more than 200 historical place names, and Mr. Nakamura originated from most of them.

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He loves Sushi and Sashimi. Having practiced calligraphy since childhood, his father was qualified as a teacher. Aokage(青景) comes from the blue landscape like the sea, the clear sky. And the blue shadow. Shadow means a ninja.

For example Nakamura in Kanji designed by Aokage