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Yanesen in Kanji


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Description for "Yanesen in Kanji"

The three neighbourhoods, Yanaka(谷中), Nezu(根津) and Sendagi(千駄木) are collectively called Yanesen.
Yanesen refers to the Yanaka / Nezu / Sendagi area. Located in Bunkyo Ward and Taito Ward, near the center of Tokyo’s 23 wards, it is a part of the so-called “Yamanote”, but it still retains the atmosphere of downtown Tokyo, and is full of history and atmosphere.


Yanaka Cemetery in Yanaka is also known for sleeping many celebrities such as Yoshinobu Tokugawa, the 15th shogun, and Taikan Yokoyama, who is famous for Japanese painting. The central garden road in the park is also called “Sakura-dori”, and the cherry blossom tunnel seen in spring is a masterpiece. Along the way, there is the remains of the Five-storied Pagoda, which was the model for Koda Rohan’s novel “Five-storied Pagoda,” and is designated as a cultural property of the city.


In Nezu, there is Nezu Shrine, which is one of the ten Tokyo shrines, and the precincts of this shrine are known as a famous place for azaleas, and there are many people at the “Azalea Festival” held in April every year. The shrine, which is also called a masterpiece of Gongenzo (a structure that integrates the main shrine, the coin hall, and the worship hall), has seven buildings designated as national important cultural properties and often appears in the works of modern literature.


Sendagi has a history of being home to many writers such as Yasunari Kawabata, Hakushu Kitahara, Kotaro Takamura, Soseki Natsume, and Ogai Mori. Soseki’s “I Am a Cat” was also written at 57 Sendagi. rice field. In addition, the “former Yasuda House” in Sendagi’s mansion town was built by businessman Kozaburo Fujita in 1918, and not only the house but also the interior and garden are preserved as they were at that time. Continues to be.

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He loves Sushi and Sashimi. Having practiced calligraphy since childhood, his father was qualified as a teacher. Aokage(青景) comes from the blue landscape like the sea, the clear sky. And the blue shadow. Shadow means a ninja.

For example Yanesen in Kanji designed by Aokage