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Brown rice in Kanji



Description for "Brown rice in Kanji"

unpolished rice retaining the yellowish-brown bran layer (outer layer).
This bran layer contains pericarp, seed coat, and glue powder layer. The part surrounded by this bran layer is the endosperm and germ, and the so-called white rice is only the endosperm part from which the bran layer and germ have been removed. The endosperm part is mainly composed of starch, but the germ and bran layer part contains some fat, protein and vitamin B1. Therefore, the yield of white rice is more than 90%, but most of it is starchy, and fat, protein, vitamin B1 and so on are significantly reduced. Harvested rice is usually stored in the form of brown rice.
Japanese says “Gen Mai”.

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He loves Sushi and Sashimi. Having practiced calligraphy since childhood, his father was qualified as a teacher. Aokage(青景) comes from the blue landscape like the sea, the clear sky. And the blue shadow. Shadow means a ninja.

For example Brown rice in Kanji designed by Aokage